New Earth, New Era
Protective Measures
Mortal Comeback
Rise of Nations

After leaving the ark, mankind is now permitted for the first time to eat meat. However, they must not eat meat that contains this.

What is blood? [Genesis 9:3-4]


God promises to place this upon every beast and every bird and every sea creature toward Noah and his descendants to aid their survival and reproduction mission.

What is fear/dread? [Genesis 9:2]


After the Great Flood, Noah plants this, with interesting results. 

What is a vineyard? [Genesis 9:20]


This man, son of Eber, is notable because "in his days was the earth divided", a likely reference to the incident at Babel.

Who is Peleg? [Genesis 10:25]


The whole earth spoke one language before the events surrounding this infamous landmark.

What is the Tower of Babel? [Genesis 11:1-9]


This blessing, first given during the Creation Week, is now given anew to Noah and all the survivors of the Great Flood.

What is "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth"? [Genesis 9:1, 7]


This natural phenomenon is instituted by God as the symbol of His covenant with His creatures to never again destroy the whole earth with a flood.

What is the rainbow? [Genesis 9:11-17]


Noah eventually dies at this age.

What is 950? [Genesis 9:28-29]


This man is descended from Ham and becomes known as "a mighty hunter before the Lord", and rules a notable kingdom including Babel (later to become Babylon) and Akkad in the land of Shinar.

Who is Nimrod? [Genesis 10:8-10]


This important figure is the son of Terah, and comes from Ur of the Chaldees. While he will eventually be known by another name, his original name means "exalted father" and is ________.

Who is Abram? [Genesis 11:27-32]


God solemnly vows never again to destroy all life or the entire earth using this.

What is a flood/water? [Genesis 9:11-13]


God tells Noah that He will do this whenever the rainbow is seen.

What is He will remember His covenant? [Genesis 9:13-15]


According to Genesis 9:18-19, the entire post-Flood world can trace their ancestry back to any one of these three men.

Who are Shem, Ham and Japheth? [Genesis 9:18-19]


This son of Noah is the ancestor of many Middle Eastern peoples, with notable descendants such as Aram (think the Aramaic language), Asshur (Assyria) and Eber (ancestor of the Hebrews, who got their name from him).

Who is Shem? [Genesis 10:21-31]


A plain in this land was famously chosen as the site of an ill-fated city and a tower whose top was to "reach unto heaven".

What is Shinar? [Genesis 11:2-4]


To inaugurate the restored world, God establishes this between Himself and Noah, Noah's descendants and all the living creatures that exited the ark.

What is a covenant? [Genesis 9:8-10]


These 2 sons of Noah walk backwards with a garment to cover their drunken father's nakedness while protecting his dignity.

Who are Shem and Japheth? [Genesis 9:20-23]


This grandson of Noah and son of Ham brings a curse to himself, and a prophecy that he and his offspring will be servants to Shem, Japheth and their offspring.

Who is Canaan? [Genesis 9:24-27]


This son of Noah is known as the ancestor of the coast- and island-dwelling Gentile nations, and has notable descendants including Magog and Javan (father to the Greek people).

Who is Japheth? [Genesis 10:2-5]


God comes down to see the city and the tower, and then does this to the people building in order to scatter them.

What is confuse their language? [Genesis 11:5-9]


Pointing back to Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 9:6 reiterates that man has been created with this significant trait/characteristic.

What is the image of God? [Genesis 9:6]


God promises retribution upon any creature--human or otherwise--that does this to a person. 

What is kill/take their life/shed their blood? [Genesis 9:5-6]


The blessing spoken over this man singles him out as God's chosen from among his brothers.

Who is Shem? [Genesis 9:26]


This son of Noah is the ancestor of some African and Middle Eastern peoples, with notable descendants including Cush (Ethiopia), Mizraim (Egypt), the Philistines and Nimrod.

Who is Ham? [Genesis 10:6-20]


In direct disobedience to the command of God to Noah generations before (recorded in Genesis 9:1, 7) the people stop in Shinar and decide to build a great city there because they do not want to be ______.

What is scattered across the whole earth? [Genesis 11:1-4]
