John 1-4
John 5-9
John 10-14
John 15-21

According to John 5:8, Jesus told the paralyzed man to take up his cross and follow Him.



(True or false) According to John 9:41, true or false: John said, "If you were blind, you would have no sin; but now you say, 'We see.' Therefore your sin remains. 

False (Jesus) 


According to John 13:36, true or false, Peter would not be able to follow Jesus afterward.



According to John 18:39, true or false: Pilate asked if the Jews would like him to release the King of the World.

False (the King of the Jews)


True or false: According to John 1:1, the Word was with God, and the Word was God.



According to John 1:29, what did John the Baptist call Jesus?

  • A) The Son of God
  • B) The Lamb of God
  • C) The Good Shepherd
  • Answer: B) The Lamb of God

According to John 9:34, what did the Pharisees say the man was born out of?



(True or False) According to John 14-31 Jesus says that the world must know that he loves his disciples. 

False (the Father)


According to John 15:14, fill in the blank: "You are My ______ if you do whatever I ______ you."

Friends, command


According to John 18:38, true or false, Pilate found fault in Jesus.

False (he found no fault) 


According to John 5:45, who is the accuser?



According to John 9:40, what group of people were with Jesus and asked him “Are we blind also?”



According to John 14:6, fill in the blank: "Jesus said to him, 'I am the ______, the ______, and the ______. No one comes to the ______ except through Me.'"

Way, truth, life, Father


According to John 16:8, fill in the blank: "And when He has come, He will convict the world of ______, and of ______, and of ______."

Sin, righteousness, judgment


According to John 18:37, who hears Jesus’ voice?

Everyone who is of the truth


(True or false) Jesus performed his third sign when he came out of Galilee into Judea

False (second sign, out of Galilee) 


According to John 5:8, fill in the blank: "Jesus said to him, ‘Rise, take up your ______ and ______.’"

Bed, walk


According to John 14:27, fill in the blank: "______ I leave with you, My ______ I give to you; not as the ______ gives do I give to you."

Peace, peace, world


According to John 15:19, fill in the blank: "If you were of the ______, the world would ______ its own. Yet because you are not of the ______, but I chose you out of the ______, therefore the world ______ you."

World, love, world, world, hates


(1pt) According to John 21:20, who leaned on Jesus’ breast at the supper? (Be specific)

The disciple who Jesus loved


According to John 1:3, fill in the blank: "All things were ______ through Him, and without Him ______ was made that was ______.

Made, nothing, made


According to John 7:37, fill in the blank: "If anyone ______, let him come to Me and ______."

Thirsts, drink


According to John 10:7, fill in the blank: "Then Jesus said to them again, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the ______ of the ______.’"

Door, sheep


According to John 17:17, fill in the blank: "Sanctify them by Your ______. Your ______ is ______."

Truth, word, truth


According to John 8:44, fill in the blank: "You are of your father the ______, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a ______ from the beginning, and does not stand in the ______, because there is no truth in him."

Devil, murderer, truth


According to John 4:53, what two groups of people believed in Jesus? (Be specific) 

The father, the whole household


According to John 9:31, fill in the blank: "Now we know that God does not hear ______; but if anyone is a ______ of God and does His ______, He hears him."

Sinners, worshiper, will


According to John 12:46, fill in the blank: "I have come as a ______ into the world, that whoever ______ in Me should not abide in ______."

Light, believes, darkness


According to John 19:40 What was Jesus’ body bound with before being buried? (Be specific) 

strips of linen, spices


According to John 19:39, what mixture of things did Nicodemus bring to Jesus? (Be specific)

Mryhh and aloes


According to John 1:23, fill in the blank: "He said: ‘I am the ______ of one crying in the ______: "Make ______ the way of the Lord," as the prophet ______ said.’"

Voice, wilderness, straight, Isaiah


According to John 9:11, fill in the blank: "A Man called ______ made ______ and anointed my ______ and said to me, ‘Go to the pool of ______ and wash.’"

Jesus, clay, eyes, Siloam


According to John 19:41, fill in the blanks: Now in the place where He was ___ there was a garden, and in the garden a new ___ in which no one had yet been ___.

Crucified, tomb, laid


According John 15:20, fill in the blank: "Remember the word that I said to you, 'A servant is not ___ than his ____.' If they ____ Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My ____, they will keep yours also."

greater, master, persecute, word


According to John 8:32, fill in the blank: "And you shall know the ______, and the ______ shall make you ______."

Truth, truth, free


According to John 2:16, fill in the blank: "And He said to those who sold ______, ‘Take these things away! Do not make My ______ a house of ______!’"

Doves, Father’s house, merchandise


According to John 7:38, fill in the blank: "He who believes in Me, as the ______ has said, out of his ______ will flow rivers of ______ water."

Scripture, heart, living


According to John 11:25, fill in the blank: "Jesus said to her, ‘I am the ______ and the ______. He who ______ in Me, though he may ______, he shall ______.’"

  • Resurrection, life, believes, die, live

According to John 15:5, fill in the blank: "I am the ______, you are the ______. He who ______ in Me, and I in him, bears much ______; for without Me you can do ______."

Vine, branches, abides, fruit, nothing


According to John 8:12, fill in the blank: "Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, ‘I am the ______ of the ______. He who follows Me shall not walk in ______, but have the ______ of life.’"

Light, world, darkness, light


According to John 3:17, fill in the blank: "For God did not send His ______ into the ______ to ______ the world, but that the world through Him might be ______.

Son, world, condemn, saved


According to John 6:35, fill in the blank: "And Jesus said to them, ‘I am the ______ of ______. He who comes to Me shall never ______, and he who believes in Me shall never ______.’"

Bread, life, hunger, thirst


According to John 10:27, fill in the blank: "My ______ hear My ______, and I ______ them, and they ______ Me."

Sheep, voice, know, follow


According to John 16:33, fill in the blank: "These things I have ______ to you, that in Me you may have ______. In the ______ you will have ______; but be of good ______, I have ______ the world."

Spoken, peace, world, tribulation, cheer, overcome


According to John 19:30, fill in the blank: "So when Jesus had received the ______, He said, 'It is ______!' And bowing His ______, He gave up His ______."

  • Sour wine, finished, head, spirit

According to John 4:6, fill in the blank: "Now Jacob's ___ was there. Jesus therefore, being ___ from His ____, sat thus by the well. It was about the ____ hour."

well, wearied, journey, sixth


According to John 6:63, fill in the blank: "It is the ______ who gives life; the ______ profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are ______, and they are ______."

Spirit, flesh, spirit, life


According to John 12:16, fill in the blank: "His disciples did not ___ these things at ___; but when Jesus was ____, then they ____ that these things were ___ about Him and that they had done these things to ___."

understand, first, glorified, remembered, written, Him


According to John 21:25, fill in the blank: "And there are also many other things that ___ did, which if they were ____ one by one, I suppose that even the ___ itself could not ___ the books that would be ____. ____."

Jesus, written, world, contain, written, Amen


According to John 3:16, fill in the blank: 16 For God so ___ the ___ that He gave His only ___Son, that whoever ___ in Him should not ___ but have ____ life.

loved, world, begotten, believes, perish, everlasting
