What does Job say eh would do if he were in his friend's shoes?
Rather than tearing down his friend, he would strengthen him.
Satan mocks Job in Job 30.
The children of worthless men.
How old, in general, are some of Job's friends who are speaking with him?
Older than his father.
Who does Job call "my adversary" in Job 16:9?
What will his "food" become like in his stomach?
Cobra Venum.
According to Bildad, how does Job view his friends?
As beasts.
Righteousness is sweet in the mouth of the wicked.
False. Evil
Job says that ten times his friends have "reproached" him; what does "reproach" mean?
To find fault with, to blame.
When Job looked for good, what came to him?
What is offensive to Job's wife?
His breath.
Job finds comfort and hope in whom?
Job holds fast to his friend's great advice.
His righteousness
What does Job basically say is the wisest thing that his friends can do?
Keep silent.
What prevents Job from making his case to God?
He cannot find God.
What is it that man cannot find according to Job?
...men spit.
In Job's case, God is not only the Judge, but also his friend.
The prosecuting attorney.
Job realizes he needs a mediator in 9:32-35.
The wicked rebel against what?
The light.
The triumphing of whom is short, and the joy of whom is but for a moment?
The wicked; the hypocrite
Who will be stronger and stronger according to Job?
He who has clean hands.
God hangs the earth on pillars.
What is one way that God speaks to man, yet man cannot perceive it?
In a dream at night.
What does Job say that God has taken from him in Job 27?
His justice.
Based on verse 19, whom do the wicked believe will pay for the iniquities or sins?
Their children.
According to Eliphaz, what must Job do to be built up?
He must return to the Lord.
According to Job, the wicked spend the days in wealth.
According to Eliphaz, does it make God happy when we do good things?
What had God pierced with His hand?
The fleeing serpent.
Whom does Job say would be astonished at his story?
The upright.