This town was the birthplace of the Messiah—Jesus
A “head above the rest”, this tall man was Israel’s first king
Who was the first president of the Watchtower and Tract Society?
Charles T. Russe
Originally the “city of David” this place also came to symbolise Jehovah’s dwelling place
A sharp burst of anger between Paul and this man over Mark caused these men to separate for a time.
Who comes first alphabetically in our current governing body?
Kennith Cook, Jnr
This mountain is the highest in Palestine and possibly was the location of Jesus’ transfiguration
Mount Hermon
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were faithful Hebrews in Babylon however that’s not their real names!…What was their Hebrew names?
Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah
Finish the famous placard, “Religion is a…
Snare and a racket
This congregation mentioned in Revelation is described as “lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I am going to vomit you out of my mouth.
This man according to Hebrews choose to be mistreated with the people of God rather than to have the temporary enjoyment of sin. Who is he?
What decade did the Gilead Schools start?
One of the 12 tribes of Israel described by Jacob as “reside by the seashore, by the shore where the ships lie anchored, and his remote border will be toward Siʹdon.”
What is the name of the angel who holds the key to the abyss?
What decade did the Governing body arrangement start for Jehovah’s Witnesses?