What did God create on Day 1?
Why did God create Eve?
It was not good for man to be alone
How did the serpent deceive Eve?
(He questioned God's command and truthfulness)
Why did God accept Abel’s offering but not Cain’s?
(Abel's offering was from the firstborn of his flock, showing faith and trust, while Cain's was not the best)
How is Noah described in Genesis 6?
(Righteous, blameless in his generation, and walked with God)
What was the first thing God declared "good"?
What was Adam's role in the Garden of Eden?
To work and take care of it.
What immediate effect did Adam and Eve experience after eating the fruit?
(They realized they were naked, felt shame, and hid from God)
How did Cain react when God corrected him?
(He became angry instead of repenting)
What does the rainbow signify in the story of Noah?
(It is a sign of God's covenant never to destroy the earth by flood again)
When did God create the sun, moon and stars?
Day 4
What is the significance of Adam naming the animals?
It demonstrates his authority and role as a steward of creation
What punishment did God give to the serpent?
(Cursed to crawl on its belly and enmity with humanity)
What warning did God give Cain about sin?
(Sin is crouching at the door and desires to master him, but he must rule over it)
What does Genesis 6 say about the state of humanity before the flood?
(Every intention of the heart was evil continually)
Why did God rest on the 7th day?
To set an example of Sabbath rest and declare creation complete
How does Genesis 2 describe the relationship between a man and a woman in marriage?
They become "one flesh"
How is Genesis 3:15 a hint of God's redemptive plan?
(It foretells the defeat of Satan through the "seed of the woman"—Jesus Christ)
How did God show mercy to Cain despite his sin?
(God put a mark on Cain to protect him from being killed)
Why did God confuse the language of the builders of Babel?
(To halt their prideful project and ensure they scattered as commanded)
What are the five ways humans are made in the image of God?
Rationality, judicial sense, morality, aesthetic sense, and spirituality)
How is the creation of humans unique compared to other creatures?
They were created in the image of God and given dominion over creation
List the mistakes Eve made before sinning.
(She talked to the serpent,
minimized God's provision,
made the rules more strict,
and doubted the penalty of sin)
Why is the birth of Seth significant?
(Seth's line continued the godly lineage that led to Jesus Christ)
How does the Tower of Babel explain the diversity of languages today?
(God confused their language, leading to the origin of different languages and nations)