Biblical Metanarrative
Reading the Bible
Loving God
Loving Neighbors

A single, overarching interpretation or grand story of reality.

What is metanarrative?


This term is from the Greek word for "interpret" and is the process of  understanding and interpreting Scripture

What is hermeneutics?


This is the term for when a person reaches a stable sense of identity. He has asked the right questions and settled on answers. (Example: Simon's name changed to Peter, "The Rock"; Saul's name changed to Paul.)

What is Identity Achievement?


This is term is from the Greek for "community"; it means the role of fellowship within the Christian church.

What is koinonia?


This term is the Christian belief that sin entered the natural world when Adam and Eve chose to disobey God and ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

What is the Fall (or Doctrine of the Fall)?


The term that refers to this verse:

Gen 3:15

"I will put hostility between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. He will strike [crush] your head, And you will strike his heel."

What is protoevangelium (proto = first ; evangelism = Good news)?


This is how to correctly match the following terms and definitions together:

Bank - Theological context, historical context, literary context.

A) This term is the time, place, culture, and audience of a text.

B) This term is the genre, structure, and grammar of a text.

C) This term is the theological (or thematic) purpose of a text


What is...?

A) Historical Context

B) Literary Context

C) Theological Context


Hebrew word for “peace”; it implies harmony in creation and a right relationship with God

What is shalom?


Complete the blank:

Your neighbor is anyone in your _________ of influence.

What is circle?

This term means the act of worshipping or valuing something above God.

What is idolatry?


Jeremiah 31 promises a new heart and shalom and forgiveness of sins. This is the name of this covenant in the Biblical metanarrative.

What is the new covenant?


Daily Double (Mr. Matthews will read question once you wager)...

What is?:

Closest to the original Greek/Hebrew: Formal

Middle: Functional

Farthest from the original Greek/Hebrew; loosely paraphrased: Free


Daily Double (Mr. Matthews will read question once you wager)...

Intrinsic Personhood: The belief that human beings are inherently persons (Biblical view)

Functional Personhood: The belief that human beings become persons only after gaining particular abilities, such as sentience, higher level thinking, and self awareness (worldly view).


These are the Greatest Commandment and the Second Greatest Commandment.

Love God and love your neighbors (Matthew 22:37-40)


This term means the belief that all events are predetermined and inevitable.

What is fatalism?

This is one of the overarching themes of the Biblical metanarrative and it reaches completion in the book of Revelation when God reverses sin, suffering, and brokenness in the world.

What is redemption?


Provide at least two of the definitions for these descriptions of religious rulers in Jesus' day:





(Answers may vary) but needs to be close-

Essenes - nomadic

Pharisees - most strongly opposed Jesus, legalistic interpretation of Torah

Zealots - hated Rome

Sadducees - do not believe in the resurrection


Of the four ways of reflecting the image of Jesus, this term is demonstrated best by this verse:

Col 1:21-22 (NIV)

Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation.

What is righteousness?


This is one of the verses that supports a person's identity in belonging to Christ and reflecting the image of Jesus.

(Answers vary - 2 Cor 5:21, I John 3:1, Rom 8:29, see page 204 in text for more)


After the Fall, this is what sin did to humanity's ability to bear God's image.

(Answers vary: Mars us and masks our reflections of God but did not destroy it completely).


This is one of the ways that Jesus fulfills the 6 Biblical covenants

(Answers vary - page 144 in text)


These are the six ways to read and grasp the Bible and can represent five fingers and the palm of one's hand.

Hear, Read, Study, Memorize, Meditate, and Apply


This explains the differences between the ancient Greek/pagan understanding of wisdom and the Hebrew/Biblical understanding of wisdom.

(Answers vary) Greek View of Wisdom - Lofty, Detaching from the world around us, Party clothes, Entirely focused on the afterlife

Hebrew view of Wisdom - Good decisions in everyday circumstances, Skillful living, Overalls, Impact in present (here and now


This is how we can learn God's purpose for neighbors and community from the Biblical account in Genesis.

Answers vary (God designed Adam and Eve for community and pleasing work as shown in Gen 1-2 before the Fall; sin hurt Adam's and Eve's view of work and one another; God's special design for marriage and families is still seen to be broken today in the world, etc.)


This term is from the Greek meaning "changing one's mind" and is the process of reviewing, regretting, and then changing direction with one's thoughts and actions. 

What is repentance?
