Normally a sign of affection and greeting however use to betrayed a close friend
Judas kissing Jesus
When was 'sing out joyfully to Jehovah' songbook released
2016 annual meeting
Even strong lions have been reduced to hunger, But those seeking Jehovah will lack nothing good
Psalm 34:10
Who said : "Are you still holding firmly to your integrity? Curse God and die
Job's wife
A beautiful lady with Hebrew name Hadassah
Am sent to someone to provide shelter when am alive, when I die I serve as a lesson for him regarding a repented city
Bottle-gourd plant and Jonah
Which song has this chorus : ' I will keep my faithful servant as the apple of my eye'
Song 55; Fear them not
And you will call me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you
Jeremiah 29:12
Who said : "I say to you, do not meddle with these men, but let them alone. For if this scheme or work is from men, it will be overthrown.....Otherwise, you may even be found fighters against God himself"
Alongside with Dathan, Abiram and Korah, I lead the rebellion against Moses and Aaron
I'm dead yet I grow;
In the wind I sometimes blow;
Through me God gave strength, but only at full length.
What is Samson Hair?
Though lyrics adjusted, both in 'sing out joyfully to Jehovah' and 'sing to Jehovah' songbook have the same song number, the same song theme and base on the same Bible verse
Song 1
And Jehovah will be king over all the earth. In that day Jehovah will be one, and his name one
Zechariah 14:9
Who said:" Now, O Jehovah, please take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live"
An angel ascended in the flame of the altar while he and his wife looked on
I was one of five; the one that received me died
David stone that killed Goliath
What is the abbreviation for ' sing to Jehovah' songbook
Once there were trees that went to anoint King over them. So they said to the olive tree, 'rule over us'
Judges 9:8
Who said : "come along with me, and see my toleration of no rivalry toward Jehovah
A faithful Christian who fought side by side with Apostle Paul, presumably at Philippi. His name started with C and end with T
She came through me; I came through her and she became my brother
Relationship between Jesus Christ and Mary, Jesus' mother
What is the name of the songbook that was released in 1984
Sing praise to Jehovah
And during night a vision appeared to Paul - a mecedonian man was standing there urging him and saying : "step over into Macedonia and help us"
Acts 16:9
Who said : " The injury done to me is your fault. I was the one who put my servant in your arms.....May Jehovah judge between me and you
Sáráì (Sarah)
A man from Libnah, he was the father of King Josiah' s wife, Hamutal