This snake tricked Eve into eating the forbidden fruit.
What is a serpent? (Genesis 3:1)
This boy knocked out a giant with just a slingshot and a stone.
Who is David? (1 Samuel 17:49)
Jesus taught us to love this group of peopleβeven when they arenβt nice to us!
Who are our enemies? (Matthew 5:44)
God gave the Israelites this flaky food from heaven every morning.
What is manna? (Exodus 16:31)
This man built a huge boat to survive the great flood.
Who is Noah? (Genesis 6:14)
Noah took how many of each animal onto the ark?
What is two of each (or seven pairs of some)? (Genesis 7:2-3)
This strong man defeated an army with just a donkeyβs jawbone!
Who is Samson? (Judges 15:15)
Jesus told us to pray this short, famous prayer that starts with "Our Father..."
What is the Lordβs Prayer? (Matthew 6:9-13)
Jesus fed 5,000 people with just five loaves of bread and two of these.
What are fish? (Matthew 14:17-21)
Jesus calmed a storm while His disciples were in this!
What is a boat? (Mark 4:39)
Jonah spent three days inside this big creature.
What is a big fish (or whale)? (Jonah 1:17)
God gave this man the power to part the Red Sea.
Who is Moses? (Exodus 14:21)
Jesus said, "Let the _______ come to me," because He loves them so much!
Who are children? (Matthew 19:14)
John the Baptist ate these crunchy critters with honey!
What are locusts?
(Matthew 3:4)
This man was thrown overboard and swallowed by a giant fish!
Who is Jonah? (Jonah 1:15-17)
Daniel was thrown into a den of these fierce animals!
What are lions? (Daniel 6:16)
This prophet went up to heaven in a chariot of fire!
Who is Elijah? (2 Kings 2:11)
Jesus said, "You are the ______ of the world," meaning we should shine!
What is the light? (Matthew 5:14)
Adam and Eve ate fruit from this tree, even though God told them not to!
What is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? (Genesis 3:6)
Paul was shipwrecked on his way to this city to stand trial.
What is Rome? (Acts 27:41-44)
Jesus rode this animal into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.
What is a donkey? (Matthew 21:5)
She became queen and saved her people from destruction.
Who is Esther? (Esther 4:16)
Jesusβ most important commandment is to love these two people.
Who are God and our neighbor? (Matthew 22:37-39)
The prodigal son ended up so hungry, he wanted to eat this animalβs food!
What is pig food (or husks)? (Luke 15:16)
This disciple jumped out of a boat and walked on waterβuntil he got scared!
Who is Peter? (Matthew 14:29-30)