What excuses did the invited guests have for not coming to the banquet?
Buying a field, buying oxen, getting married, being busy.
Why did Gideon ask God for signs?
Because he doubted that God was truly speaking to him and wanted confirmation that he should lead the Israelites against the Midianites.
Who anointed David as king?
What sad news did Nehemiah receive while he was a cupbearer in Persia?
The walls of Jerusalem had been torn down.
Who was Jonathan’s father?
Who did the master invite after the first guests refused?
The poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind; those in the streets.
What signs did Gideon ask for?
1. For the fleece to be wet and the ground to be dry.
2. For the fleece to be dry and the ground to be wet.
Why was David chosen?
Because of his heart for God.
How did Nehemiah respond?
He told the king, received permission to go to Jerusalem, gathered workers, and rebuilt the walls.
What did Jonathan give David?
His robe and weapons
What lesson can we learn from this parable?
Everyone is invited to heaven, but not everyone will accept the invitation.
How did God tell Gideon to choose his final 300 men?
By how they drank the water.
What happened when Samuel anointed David?
He did not immediately become king, but the spirit of the Lord came upon him.
Who tried to stop Nehemiah?
How did Jonathan help David?
He warned him about Saul.
What are some qualities that make a good friend?
Answers will vary.
What did they use to fight the Midianites?
They used trumpets, jars, and torches.
Who is the Shepherd in Psalm 23?
How did Nehemiah’s people work?
With a tool in one hand and a weapon in the other hand.
What does their friendship teach us?
To be loyal despite difficult circumstances.
Explain one way you are inspired by the people we learned about this quarter (Gideon, David, Nehemiah, etc.).
Answers will vary.
Why did God want Gideon to fight with a smaller army?
To show that it was God's power that won the battle.
How is God like a shepherd?
He cares about us, protects us, and fulfills our needs.
What does this story teach us?
We can work together as laborers of Christ. We must protect ourselves from enemies, including Satan by guarding our weak spots.
In what ways can we guard our hearts from the enemy?
Prayer, reading the Bible, learning Memory Gems, being aware of our weaknesses, etc.