Who chose a king for the Israelites?
Samuel chose a king for the Israelites.
What bad thing did Saul do that caused him to lose favor with God?
He disobeyed God.
How did David kill Goliath?
He knocked Goliath down with a rock from his slingshot. Then he took the giant‘s sword and killed him.
How did Saul die?
He saw that his son had been killed by the Philistines, so to avoid being killed by them as well, Saul killed himself.
What did David bring into the city after he became king?
He brought the Ark of the Covenant.
Who was chosen as king, and what tribe was he from?
Saul was chosen, from the tribe of Benjamin.
How did God punish Saul?
God took away his courage and strength, and gave him a foul temper.
Who was Goliath?
He was a Philistine giant.
Why didn‘t David try to kill Saul?
What did David want to do, and what did God tell him?
David wanted to build a temple, but God told him his son, Solomon, will build it instead.
What weapon did Saul use to try to kill David?
He used a spear.
Why was David brave enough to fight Goliath?
He was confident that God, who had protected him from wild animals, would protect him from the giant.
Who became masters over the children of Israel after Saul’s death.
The Philistines
What city did David conquer, and what did he rename it?
He conquered Jerusalem, and renamed it the City of David.
Who tried to rise against David and take his kingdom?
Absalom, his son
Samuel was commanded to choose a new king from the sons of who?
Who did he choose?
The sons of Jesse.
He chose David.
Why did David leave the city and become a wanderer?
He wanted to avoid a fight with his son.
How did Absalom die?
His hair was caught on the branches of a tree as he fled from battle on a mule, and then the soldiers found him and killed him.
How did God reward David for his faith and service?
He gave David Peace in his closing years.
People knew the ________ of God was with King Solomon?
People knew the wisdom of God was with King Solomon.
They were the People’s Court and the Court of the Priests.
Where did the priests live?
The priests lived in the Temple Building.
In the back of the Temple Building was the Holy Place.
A great veil separated what?
A great veil separated the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies.
What was placed within the Holy of Holies?
The Ark of the Covenant was placed within the Holy of Holies.