What kind of fruit did Adam and Eve eat?
A.The Bible doesn't say
B. Pomegranates
C. An apple
D. Grapes
What is A. The Bible does not say
H0w many women were on the ark?
What is 4. The wives of Noah and his three sons.
Jonah spent three days and nights in the lions' den.
What is False. It was Daniel
What animal tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?
What is a serpent
From what part of Adam's body did God create Eve?
What is a rib
What relationship was Eve to Adam?
A. Sister
B. Wife
C. Foe
D. Friend
What is B. Wife
Who betrayed Samson to the Philistines?
Who is Delilah
Abraham's ife Sarah used to be named Sarai
What is True
The prodigal son would have been happy to eat the food intended for this animal
A. Cows
B. Dogs
C. Swine
D. Sheep
What is C. Swine
What gave Sampson his strength?
What is his hair
Who did Eve blame for her disobedience?
A. Herself
B. God
C. The serpent
D. Adam
What is C. The serpent
What woman was chosen as queen as a result of a beauty contest?
Who is Esther
Mary Magdalene watched the crucifixion of Jesus
What is True
Name one of the two birds Noah sent from the Ark
What is a Raven and a Dove
How many books are in the Old Testament?
What is 39
How did man become a living creature?
A. God put His Spirit into him.
B. God breathed upon him.
C. God touched him with His finger.
D. God breathed the breath of life into his nostrils.
What is D. God breathed the breath of life into his nostrils.
Who complained about her husband’s bad breath?
Who is Job's Wife. Job 19:17
God created light on the second day.
What is False.
God created light on the first day of creation.
On the second day, God created the sky, separating the waters above from the waters below
This animal was killed by Samson, and he later found honey in the carcass.
A. Bear
B. Lion
C. Tiger
D. Cow
What is B. Lion
This man wrote the first five books of the Old Testament
Who is Moses
How many years did Adam live?
A. 305 years
B. 930 years
C. 608 years
D. 777 years
What is B. 930
Who tried to seduce Joseph?
Who is Potiphar’s wife
Moses saw the burning bush on Mount Ararat.
What is False. It was Mount Horeb (also referred to as Sinai)
During the ten plagues, these animals came out of the river Nile
A. Frogs
B. Gnats
C. Mites
D. Locusts
What is A. Frogs
God asked Abraham to make a sacrifice to Him on Mount Moriah. What was it?
What is his son