What is another name for God's word?
The Bible
What is the word that means three Persons in one God?
In the beginning God created the heavens and the what?
What is one thing we learned that we should never do to God's Word?
Add our own ideas. Take out things we don't like.
What is the bad news we read about in the Bible?
We are all sinners.
Which book is perfectly true with no mistakes?
God's Word, the Bible
Can you name the three Persons in the Trinity?
God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
God is eternal. What does that mean?
He has no beginning or end?
What does false means? What do false teachers do?
Not true, lie. Lie about God, the Bible, Jesus.
What does the "Gospel" mean?
Good news.
What does "pure" mean?
Can you make the hand motion for the three Persons of the Trinity?
hand motions
What is the name of the prophet we talked about who wrote down God's Word?
God says his Word is complete. What does that mean?
Its finished. All done.
Who made the way for sinners to be forgiven?
What does infinite mean?
Can't be measured. Goes on and on forever.
What does "Tri" mean - as in triangle, tricycle and triceraptor?
three, name it
What did King Jehoiakim do to God's Word?
Cut it up and burned it.
What are the two big parts of the Bible?
Old Testament and New Testament
What does God promise to all who believe in Jesus? Where will they live forever?
In heaven.
What is one way we can praise God?
Sing about Him, pray to Him, love and obey Him, and read His Word.
Say Psalm 119:89-90
Forever, O Lord, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens. Your faithfulness endures to all generations. You have established the earth and it stands fast.
What does preserve mean? Remember how we put toy in the ziplock bag and dipped it in the water.
To keep something safe. Protect something.
What is the most important book that has ever been written.
the Bible!
What happened to Jesus three days after he died?
He rose again!