Who built the ark?
What are the first AND last books in the bible?
Genesis and Revelations
Who split the red sea?
What song is commonly played at events and parties with a specific dance to it?
Church Clap
What was FIM week 1 about?
Rise Up Tough
Who (besides God) was the author of the most chapters in the bible?
What book in the bible has the most chapters?
How many people did Jesus raise from the dead in His lifetime?
What song is played at the AUMC Christmas eve service yearly?
Silent Night
What was week 2 FIM about?
Who joined Jesus as the first disciple?
What book in the bible has the least chapters?
3 John
How many days was Jonah in the whale
3 days
What social media band wrote the song Silence and In the presence
What was week 3 FIM about?
Mentality: Noticing God's Work
What is Jesus's name on earth?
How many books in the bible start with a number?
17 books
How many people did Jesus feed with fish and bread?
5,000 men (and their families)
What song says "My pain, your purpose".
My Story Your Glory by Matthew West
What was FIM week four about?
AO1: Having Your Intentions Set On God
What is the name of the angel who talks to Mary?
What book is the Lord's prayer in
What did God create on the first day?
What is Amelia's favorite worship song?
You say, I can only imagine, Reckless Love
What was FIM week 5 about?