Miriam was his elder sister, and Moses was his younger brother by three years
What is the name of the first original song put on JW Broadcasting?
"The Best Life Ever"
The event when God's holy spirit came rushing in a like a stiff breeze enabling all present to speak in tongues
Festival of Pentecost of 33 CE
The name of the city that housed Jehovah's temple
The name of the very first VHS video the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society produced
Jehovah's Witnesses - The Organization Behind the Name
Grandson of Saul and son of Jonathan and was lame in both feet after age five
What is name of the song of the music video that shows the life of Joseph?
"Never Alone"
The year the city of Jerusalem was captured and it's inhabitants were put into captivity
607 BCE
This area was designated for the Israelites while they were slaves for the Egyptians
The land of Goshen
A video created to help ones to understand the worldwide Bible study arrangement and the various ways one can be held
What Happens at a Bible Study
One of seven certified men that was chosen for the daily distribution of food for Christian widows who also baptized the Ethiopian enuch
Philip the Evangelizer
This original song and video makes it clear that the Bible has not and will not be destroyed
"Your Word Endures Forever"
The event that will trigger the beginning of the Great Tribulation
The cry of peace and security
What is name of mountain that Moses climbed to get the two tablets of Testimony
Mt Sinai
A Bible drama video about this Bible character was shown and released at the 2018 Regional Convention
A Greek Christian Brother who ministered unselfishly to the Corinthian congregation in 55 CE and who Paul wrote to once.
What song gives us "courage to trust Jehovah with our life"
"Jehovah's Always by Our Side"
This event marked the conclusion of the prophecy of 69 weeks as uttered by Daniel
Land that a faithful man named Job lived
This video drama showed the events that occurred in with Christians living in Jerusalem from 66 CE up to 70 CE who had to decide to flee or stay.
Walk By Faith and Not By Sight
The last Judean king mentioned in the Bible who was placed on the throne by Nebuchadnezzar
King Zedekiah
This song starts by saying "There is a gift that comes from above. A lovely gift called being in love."
"Truly in Love"
This was also known as the Festival of Tabernacles, or of Ingathering
Festival of Booths
The name of the city where Paul and Barnabas were treated as gods but then they stoned Paul.
In Lesson 16, Preach in A Foreign Language, what language did Caleb and Sophia start learning using the JW Language App?