This name means "a father of a multitude".
1889 - The Bible House is constructed here, as headquarters for the Bible Students.
Allegheny, Pennsylvania
Go to the ___, you lazy one;
Observe its ways and become wise.
Proverbs 6:6
Name this song: "I want to know what I can do; I want to give what I can give. This is the best feeling ever."
The Best Life Ever
Caleb gives this to his sister, in the video "Giving Makes you Happy."
His name means "rebel".
In this year, the name "Jehovah's Witnesses" is adopted.
Like a ___ ___ in the snout of a pig
Is a beautiful woman who rejects good sense.
Proverbs 11:22
Gold ring
Name this song: "Life in this world can be hard. Life in this world can bring tears and pain, still everyday I will say..."
My Father, My God and Friend
In the "Forgive Freely" video, Caleb breaks this toy.
A Giraffe
This spy's name means "dog".
This video series started in 2012.
Become Jehovah's Friend
The wicked flee when no one pursues them,
But the righteous are as confident as a ___.
Proverbs 28:1
The full title of our current song book.
Sing Out Joyfully to Jehovah
Telling the truth is likened to this, in the "Be Truthful" video.
Building a bridge.
Esther's Hebrew name, meaning "Myrtle".
Charles Russell withdraws all support from Herald of the Morning because of Barbour's attitude toward this.
The value of the ransom.
When someone blesses his fellow man with a ___ ___ early in the morning, It will be counted as a curse to him.
Proverbs 27:14
Loud voice
Song 75 "Here I am! Send Me!" has this theme scripture.
Isaiah 6:8
Finish the lyric:
"I want to be like Esther, she had..."
"...courage. She was brave."
Jehovah named King Solomon this, through the prophet Nathan.
In 1977, this school began.
Pioneer School
As ___ reflects one’s face,
So the heart of one man reflects another’s.
Proverbs 27:19
Written in 1942 by brother Frost.
Forward you Witnesses
Sophia wants to preach to this classmate in "Jehovah Will Help You Be Bold"