Number of JW worldwide is over this many million
8 million
“Neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore”
Revelation 21:4
Writer of the Bible book of Revelation
apostle John
Individual that fulfilled the most prophecies in the Bible
Place where Jonah was assigned to preach
Year that Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide were invited by the Governing Body to write letters of appeal to governmental authorities in Russia
First Bible prophecy is recorded in this verse
Genesis 3:15
He dressed similar to the prophet Elijah, and ate insects and wild honey
John the Baptizer
A coalition of nations that will attack God’s people
Gog of Magog
Name of a city meaning “Confusion”
Convention city that released the most recent NWT in Spanish
Madrid, Spain
"Pray Constantly"
1 Thessalonians 5:17
This disciple accompanied Barnabas and Paul on Paul’s first missionary tour
John Mark
Joseph explained to Pharoah that the seven skinny cows in his dream represented this
seven years of famine
Mountains where the ark rested after the Flood
Double Jeopardy
Title of the original song released during the December 2014 Broadcast
There was no original song released during December 2014 Broadcast.
Year text for 2020
Matthew 28:19
Double Jeopardy
Once a disciple of John the baptizer, this disciple of Jesus is also the son of another John.
John 1:42, John 21:15-17
Through Isaiah, Jehovah prophesied over 200 years in advance that this ruler would invade Babylon
Land that the Israelites were given in Egypt
Formerly known as the Chairman’s Committee, this Governing Body Committee oversees legal matters as well as use of of the media when it is necessary to convey an accurate picture of JW beliefs
The Coordinators’ Committee
Smallest chapter in the Bible
Psalms 117
Born in Scotland, this former Governing Body member served at London Bethel before coming to Brooklyn
John Barr
Empire represented by the silver chest and arms of the dream image at Daniel chapter 2
Name of Jesus “own city”
Matthew 9:1