How many years did it take to build the Ark?
100 years
How many people were saved during the flood?
8 People
What does the word Babel mean?
Why did God decide to flood the whole earth?
Because the earth was filled with violence; Mens intent was to do evil.
How many languages were there in the world back then?
Only one Language
What did God do to the people that were building the Tower?
Confused their Languages
What did Adam and Eve realized first when they had eaten the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil?
That they were naked.
A vineyard
What does the rainbow stand for in the eyes of God?
His Promise to never again kill every living thing with a flood.
How many years did Adam live?
930 years
What did Ham do to Noah, that caused Noah to curse his son?
Ham saw his fathers nakedness
What was the name of Hams son?
What two trees were placed in the middle of the garden?
The tree of knowledge of good and evil.
The tree of Life.
How old was Noah when he died?
950 years old
Who lived for 969 years?
Methuselah or Mahalalel
What did God create on the 6th day?
Beast and Man
When God separated them Noahs sons generations, in what direction did Shem's descendants go?
(North, East, South, west)
When Noah left the Ark what was the very first thing he did?
Build an altar to God
What was the name of the man in charge of building the very first Tower?
How old was Noah when the Flood started?
600 years old
What was a main goal for the construction of the Tower of Babel?
1. To reach the Top Heavens
2. Become Famous (Make a name for themselves)
3. To not be scattered
When Adam and Eve realized that they were both naked, what type of leaves did they used to cover themselves?
Fig leaves
When Noah exited the ark, God told him he do what with the animals?
Eat their meat
How many days did Noah, his family, and the animals wait inside the Ark before it started to rain?
7 days
Nimrod was called a mighty what?
A : Warrior
B : Hunter
C : King
Mighty Hunter