The first Pentacostal sermon
Who died on the cross
I used a stone for a pillow
300 Warriors
The final size of Gideon's army
Where Jesus of Nazareth was born
Moses turned this into a serpent
His rod/staff
Jesus wept
John 11:35
He was a prophet swallowed by a great fish
I might sell you my wrong daughter, and cheat you of all your sheep
10, except for Caleb and Joshua
Spies sent to the promised land that did not believe they could claim it
Where Abraham went to sacrifice Isaac
Mount Moriah
The gifts the magi brought to the infant Jesus
Gold, Frankincense, & Myrrh
Does not mention God
How long it rained during the great flood
40 days and 40 nights
I said "Here I am send me"
Of the 66, 27
The event and place where the first miracle of Jesus's ministry happened
Wedding at Cana
David used this to kill Goliath
Sling bullet/stone
Daniel found this book
He acted as Moses's mouth to the Pharaoh
Jesus saw me under the fig tree
969 years old
Of the two most famously destroyed Old Testament cities, this one had a Lot less to deal with
Esau sold his birthright for this
Bread and lentil stew
He ate a book and found it sweet in his mouth
Not having a crib, this is where the infant Jesus was laid
I lead the children of Isreal after Moses died
5000 people and 12 baskets were filled by these
5 loaves of bread and 2 salted fish
Place where Jesus prayed when He was arrested
Sign of the covenant between God and Noah
The Gospels
Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John
Prophet who was thrown in a Lion's Den
The tyrannical Pharisee who converted to The Way and was renamed Paul.
Saul of Tarsus
3000 in Exodus, who did this
Means 'Place of the Skull'
The men who King Nebuchadnezzer tried to use a forge to kill when they refused to worship his statue.
Meshach, Shadrach, Abednego
The rise of King Saul
1 Samuel
A man was brought back to life after being thrown on these
Elisha's bones
I am the Mother of Moses
3000 in Acts, during this event
Souls saved during Pentecost
Where, in answer to Elijah's prayer, the fire of the Lord consumed both sacrifice and altar
Mount Carmel
Materials in the statue of King Nebuchadnezzer's dream
Gold, Silver, Iron, Iron mixed with clay
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
Psalm 23:1
After climbing a tree to see Jesus, He told me that He was coming to my house
We did not die, but were raised into heaven
Enoch and Elijah
70 x 7
How many times we should forgive our brother/sister
This city was rebuilt at the cost of a firstborn for it's foundations, and the cost of the youngest to raise it's gates
A special gift that was given to Joseph from his father
A coat of many colors