In all the nations, the ___ ___ has to be preached.
good news
This activity caused Jesus to turn the tables over in anger
conducting business in God's House
I told Mary she would become pregnant with the Messiah
Angel Gabriel
How many tribes of Israel are there?
This is where the Ten Commandments were given.
Mount Sinai
What was used to try to kill Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
Furnace / fire
First woman in the bible?
Two men that held up Moses' arms during the battle
Aaron and Hur
Do not be misled. God is not one to be ______.
This feeling caused Peter to fall in when he was walking on water to Jesus
I prayed openly in spite of a law against it
How many apostles did Jesus choose?
This is where Jesus walked on water
Sea of Galilee
The animal that talked to Balaam
Donkey (numbers 22:28)
Moabite woman committed to following Naomi back to Israel?
Wrote the shortest of the 4 gospels
Keep doing this in _______ of me.
How many brothers of David did God reject before anointing him as the next king?
I walked with and learned from Elijah and then took his place.
How many times did Jesus tell us to forgive?
Seventy times seven (490 or unlimited)
Where Jesus was baptized
Jordan River
A special gift that was given to Joseph from his father
colorful coat
She was both a prophet and a judge of Israel?
King of Babylon who was given a mind of an animal?
Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 4)
Look, I am coming soon. My ______ is with me, and i will give to each person according to what they have done.
After they had caught great number of fish, this is what Jesus told Peter, James & John they would be doing
fishing for men
I said, "Here I am; send me."
The number of people that were inside the fiery furnace in babylon?
Where 12 year old Jesus was when his parents went looking for him
Jerusalem temple
Location of the final battle between God and the evil forces?
Prostitute who hid the 2 spies?
I denied Jesus 3 times.
Do not be amazed at this, for the ____ is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice.
What was the disobedience that got Saul removed from being king of Israel?
offered sacrifice (Instead of Prophet Samuel)
We are the "Sons of Thunder"
James & John
How many men did Gideon have when he defeated the Midianites?
Place where Elijah prayed and fire came down from heaven
Mt. Carmel
In which languages was the Bible was originally written?
Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek.
Strong Queen who saved the entire nation of Israel?
I sold my birthright to my brother.