The tribes of Israel were divided into ___ kingdoms
what are there names?
I am the Word
Which gospel talks about Jesus being the Word?
How many fruits of the spirit are there?
Name all of them?
What did the staff turn into to eat Pharo's magicians snakes?
A snake
Who threw the staff?
When we discover God's grace and love, we also discover His?
Peace and patience
These were the 3 things Satan tempted Jesus with while on earth.
turn stones into bread,
throw himself off the tower,
do one act of worship for all the kingdoms on earth
What was the same answer that Jesus gave to Satan?
I told Mary she would become pregnant with the Messiah
Who are the only other two angels ever mentioned by name in the bible?
How many commandments were given to Moses?
How many were specifically about God, and how many about man?
What David used to kill Goliath
Goliaths sword
What was used to knock Goliath down?
Praise is an act of?
This is what we are to do in remembrance of Jesus
Communion/Lord's Supper
What do the two sacraments represent?
She was decieved
How many were in the Garden after she was deceived?
How many chapters are in Genesis?
Which human wrote the book of Genesis?
What was used to try to kill Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
Furnace / fire
Who was in with them?
What does the bible tell us about God?
Who He is and why He created us.
This activity caused Jesus to turn the tables over in anger
conducting business in God's House
What did Jesus use to try to get the people out?
We are the "Sons of Thunder"
James & John
What was their fathers name? (also a nickname of theirs)
How many tribes of Israel are there?
Name all of them?
A special gift that was given to Joseph from his father
colorful sleeveless coat
Why did his brothers want to kill him?
2 Thessalonians 3:16
Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord be with you all.
This feeling caused Peter to fall in when he was walking on water to Jesus
How many people walked on water throughout the entire bible?
The wife of Aquilla
Who did they "risk their necks" for in the bible?
How many men did Gideon have when he defeated the Midianites?
What were the weapons they brought into battle?
What did God create to give shade to Jonah?
a Plant
what was the animal that destroyed the plant?
John 4:23-24
But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.