Keep doing this in _______ of me.
Which man of God had died, leaving Joshua in charge of all the Israelites?
I baptized Jesus.
John the Baptist
How many wise men went to give gifts to Jesus as a young child?
Mountain where Abraham went to sacrifice Isaac.
Mount Moriah
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was ____ God, and the Word was ___.
with; God
This activity caused Jesus to turn the tables over in anger
conducting business in God's House
I led the Israelites after Moses died.
How long Lazarus was in the tomb
4 days
The place where Jesus performed his first miracle.
the wedding in Cana
In all the nations, the ___ ___ has to be preached.
good news
This is what we are to do in remembrance of Jesus
They lied to Peter about their donations and died on the spot after lying about the money they said they donated
Who is Ananias and Sapphira
How many days and nights was Jonah in the belly of a whale?
Three days and nights.
This is where the Ten Commandments were given.
Mount Sinai
The____ is my shepherd I _____ not want.
Psalms 23:1
Lord, Shall
After they had caught a great number of fish, this is what Jesus told Peter, James & John they would be doing
catching men alive (fishing for men)
I told Mary she would become pregnant with the Messiah
How many men did Gideon have when he defeated the Midianites?
This is where Jesus walked on water
Sea of Galilee
Do not be amazed at this, for the ____ is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice.
To get to the promised land, Joshua and his people had to cross the Jordan river. What did Joshua do when God parted the waters?
He built a memorial
I prayed openly in spite of a law against it with my window opened to Jerusalem.
How many fruits of the spirit are there?
Where Jesus was baptized
Jordan River
How many times did Jesus tell us to forgive?
70 times 7
I was 969 years old.