Boy who went from the bottom of a pit to the top of a castle
Who is Joseph
There were ___ disciples that followed Jesus
What is 12
The longest chapter in the Bible
What is Psalm 119
Woman turns around and and things get salty
Who is Lot’s wife
Peter denied Jesus ___ times
What is 3
The book with the shortest verse in the Bible
What is John (11:35)
The man who lost everything
Who is Job
The youngest king in the Bible Jehoash started his reign at ___ years old
What is 7
The shortest chapter in the Bible
What is Psalm 117
Man who always brought people to Jesus
Who is Andrew
Jesus had ___ step brothers
What is 4
The book with the longest verse in the Bible
What is Esther (8:9)
Woman who got paid to cut braids
Who is Delilah
Jesus was whipped ___ times before going to the cross
What is 39
The longest book in the Bible (according to the word count)
What is Jeremiah