I led the Israelites out of Bondage Who am I?
Adam and Eve being sent out of the Garden of Eden
What did Noah build to survive the great flood?
An Ark
I can look like a T, I can look like an X.I can be found on chains,hung around people's necks. What am I?
A Cross
I am a creature without legs and a tongue that has a fork.
A Snake
My brothers were Jealous of me and so they sold me into slavery. Who am I?
Daniel in the lions den
What could Jesus turn water into?
I am the greatest financier in the Bible. I floated my stock while everyone was in liquidation. Who am I?
You might see this in the sky by water fall. Some say it was first seen after the flood?
A rainbow
I was the one who baptized Jesus.Who am I?
John the Baptist
Jonah in the whale's belly
On the seventh day of Creation what did God do?
He rested on the seventh day
I kept him steady and others away. I kept them safe and showed them the way. Once thrown down upon the ground, I came alive with a hissing sound. I hit the rock as he was told, and that was when the water flowed. What am I?
Moses' Staff
I denied Jesus three times before the roaster crow. Who Am I?
I am Peter
Moses and the burning bush
What was the name of the Garden that Adam and Eve were cast out of?
The Garden of Eden
It was a symbol of strength that flowed from the head. But in a moment of weakness, its secret was out; it lay all in pieces when she gave a shout. What is it?
Samson's long hair
I was a Chief tax Collector. I climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus.
Abraham sacrificing Issac.
What is the violation of God's law Called?
She may have been sweet like sugar, but her fate didn't leave her sweet. Nowadays, she could add flavor; in the olden days,she would have preserved meat. Who is she?
Lot's Wife (Pillar of Salt)