His prayer resulted in his being thrown into a den of lions- Daniel 6:7
This angel appeared to Mary and told her she would give birth to the Messiah- Luke 1:26
In the beginning God created the ______ & _____- Genesis 1:1
Heaven & Earth
They were thrown into the fiery furnace- Daniel 3
Shadrach, Meshak, & Abednego
These 5 books of the Bible begin with the letter "J"
Joshua, Judges, Job, Jeremiah, Jonah, John, & Jude
On this mountain, the Israelites were given the Ten Commandments- Exodus 34:32
Mt. Sinai
This disciple tried to walk on water to reach Jesus- Matthew 14:29
Eve was created by this- Genesis 2:21
Adam's rib
He was anointed to become one of the greatest kings of Israel- 1 Samuel 16
This book comes before Revelation
He threatened to divide the child in half with a sword to settle a dispute between two women- 1 Kings 3:25
King Solomon
On this day, the disciples received the Holy Spirit- Acts 2:1-4
On this day, God made two great lights- Genesis 1:13-16
Third day
It took him 100 years to build his boat- Genesis 6:13-14
These two books are named after women
Ruth & Esther
This father prepared to sacrifice his son on an altar- Gen. 22:9
Jesus was tempted, in the wilderness, to turn these into bread- Matt 4:3
He named every beast of the field and every fowl of the air- Genesis 2:19
He became the youngest king ever at the age of 8- 2 Kings 22:1
This book details the crossing of the Red Sea
This musical instrument was played by David for Saul- 1 Samuel 16:23
It is more difficult for this person to to get into heaven than a camel going through an eye of a needle- Matthew 19:24
Rich Man
God formed man from this- Genesis 2:7
Dust of the ground/Soil
At 12 years old, he astonished Doctor's, Lawyers, & Teachers- Luke 2:41-47
This book details a shepherd boy killing a giant
1 Samuel 17:1-58