(Sons of Jacob) multiplied by (number of Jesus' disciples)?
hint: (Genesis 35:12) x (Matthew 10:2)
12 x 12 = 144
Dove and Raven
Your Name is Power, Your name is healing, Your name is Life...
I speak Jesus
(Books of the Bible) minus (days of rain on Noah in his ark)
Hint: (Genesis ... Revelation) - (Genesis 7:12)
(66) - (40) = 26
Who is considered the 13th apostle to replace Judas Iscariot?
Anything is possible. Everything is possible with God...
(Age of David when he became King of Israel) plus (number of years that David reigned)
Hint: (2 Samuel 5:4) + (2 Samuel 5:4)
(30) + (40) = 70
What was Jesus' job before starting his ministry?
A carpenter
Wherever you lead me, I'm gonna follow. I'm trusting you God. You are Good.
I'm trusting you
(Times that the priests walked round Jericho) multiplied by (plagues upon Egypt)
Hint:(Joshua 6:11-15) x (Exodus 7-12)
(13) x (10) = 130
After Jesus fed the 5000, how many baskets of food was left over?