Name the birds Noah sent out.
dove and raven
Who was Abraham's nephew?
Where was Jesus baptized?
The Jordan River
How many gospel books are in the bible?
4 four
How many books are in the entire bible?
66 sixty-six
Lot's wife turned to this.
a pillar of salt
Who built a huge, golden statue?
king Nebuchadnezzar
Where was Jesus arrested?
In the garden of Gethsemane
How may brothers did Joseph have?
eleven 11
WHat is the name of the first book of the bible?
The last book in the entire bible
Who were Daniel's friends?
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
Where did Jesus go to sleep while the disciples were in trouble?
In bottom part of the boat.
How many disciples did Jesus choose?
12 twelve
How many books are in the old testament?
39- thirty-nine
What did Jacob gave to Joseph?
a coat
Who was Jesus' earthly father?
Where did Jesus asked the woman for a drink of water?
at the well (in Samaria)
How many persons did Jesus fed with the 5 loaves and 2 fish?
5,000 Five thousand
Name the four gospel books of the bible.
Matthew, Mark Luke and John.
What did the father gave to the son who came back home?
a ring, a robe and shoes
Who climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus?
Where was Adam and Eve's first home?
The garden of Eden
How many commandments did God gave to Moses?
10 ten
Name three books of the bible beginning with the letter 'R'.
Ruth, Romans and Revelation