When Jesus corrected the man-made laws.
The Sermon on the Mount
Zacharias Learns of John's Birth
Luke 1
Birth of Christ
3 BC
Who asked for John's head
When King Herod sent soldiers to kill Jesus, but Jesus' life was saved after a warning from an angel.
The Flight to Egypt
Ministry of Christ
Matthew 4 (- 25)
Ministry of Christ
When Jesus said, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven"
Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler
The Ascension
Acts 1
The Last Supper
30 AD
The song Simeon sang after meeting Jesus
Nunc Dimitis
When the disciples were given instructions about their clothes, money, and food
Apostles Sent Out
Triumphal Entry
Matthew 21
Jesus as a Boy
1 BC - 9 AD
The 3 ways Satan tempted Jesus
1. Stones into bread
2. Jumping off the highest place of the Temple
3. Worship Satan
When Jesus displayed His divinity by knowing something important without being told.
The Woman at the Well
Lazarus Raised from the Dead
John 11
29 AD
Who appeared with Jesus during the Transfiguration
Moses and Elijah