Prophecy and Prophets
JW History

Jehovah established the rainbow covenant with him.

Who is Noah? - Gen. 9:11-17


Birthplace of Jesus.

What is Beth’lehem Eph’rathah? - Micah 5:2


This animal of Balaam’s spoke to him.

What is a donkey? - Num. 22:28


Name one of the ways God transmitted his thoughts to prophets.

What is writing (Ex. 31:18), angels (Ex. 3:2-4, 10), visions (Dan. 7:1), and mental guidance (2 Tim. 3:16)?


The modern day organization began at the end of the 19th century with a small group of Bible students near this town in Pennsylvania.

What is Pittsburgh? - Charles Taze Russell and other sincere Bible students began a systematic analysis of the Bible and published what they learned in books, newspapers, and a journal now called The Watchtower - Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom.


He asked to be concealed in the Grave.

Who is Job? - Job 14:13


Abraham left this city.

What is Ur? - Gen. 15:7


The first bird Noah sent out of the ark.

What is a raven? - Gen. 8:6, 7


This prophet foretold the conquest of Babylon 200 years in advance.

Who is Isaiah? - Is. 44:24, 27, 28


By 1933, almost one million people had attended presentations of this “unforgettable” eight hour photographic and motion picture production, complete with color and sound.

What is the Photo-Drama or Creation Drama? - Erich Frost, the brother who composed much of the music, relates that the orchestra used the intermission to go from row to row and offer the audience literature. They placed more literature this way than was possible from house to house.


James mentions this prostitute as one declared righteous by works.

Who is Rahab? - James 2:25


These Antiochs were two different cities.

What are Psidian Antioch and Syrian Antioch? - Appendix B13


Its majestic snorting is terrifying and it laughs at fear.

What is a horse? - Job 39:19-25


This prophet records God’s statement that people “will have to know that I am Jehovah” more than 50 times in his book.

Who is Ezekiel? - Ez. 6:7


In the 1930s, ministers would wind this up before knocking on a door.

What is a phonograph? - Back then, ministers would make a brief presentation, play a four and a half minute Bible talk on their phonograph, and then offer literature.


Sis’era fled to her tent.

Who is Jael? - Judges 4:17-21


Paul along with 275 others was shipwrecked here.

What is Malta? - Acts 27:41-44, Study Note


This animal was for Aza’zel and symbolically carried off the people’s sins of the past year.

What is a goat? - Lev. 16:10


Name at least three of the five world powers as depicted in the immense image and foretold by Daniel.

What are Babylon as the golden head (Dan. 2:36-38), Medo-Persia as the arms and chest of silver (Dan. 2:39), Greece as the abdomen and thighs of copper (Dan. 2:39), Rome as the legs of iron (Dan. 2:40), and Anglo-America as the feet of iron and clay (Dan. 2:41-43)?


This 1922 convention is widely recognized among Jehovah’s Witnesses as a landmark event because of Brother Rutherford’s call to advertise the Kingdom.

What is the 1922 Cedar Point, Ohio convention? - Apparently this convention was caught on film, but to this date no copies of this film are known to exist despite the film being made available to the public.


A herdsman and caretaker of fig trees.

Who is Amos? - Amos 7:14, 15


Name one of the six Cities of Refuge.

What are Ke’desh, She’chem, Heb’ron, Be’zer, Ra’moth, and Go’lan? - Josh. 20:7, 8


An unclean animal that chews cud but does not have a split hoof.

What is the rock badger? - Lev. 11:5


The fulfillment of the prophecy of the “dry bones” came to pass in this year.

What is 1919? - From the second century C.E. onward the anointed Christian congregation was killed symbolically, “the valley plain” was filled with “bones”. In 1919 the “dry bones” came to life when Jehovah caused all anointed ones to leave Babylon the Great and be gathered in the restored congregation. Ez. 37:1-10


It was this year when we began going by the name Jehovah’s Witnesses.

What is 1931? - In July 1931, the convention held in Columbus, Ohio had a program with the letters J and W printed on it, leading to many questions. On Sunday, July 26, Brother Rutherford presented a resolution: “We desire to be known as and called by the name, to wit, Jehovah’s Witnesses.”
