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πŸ€”"Who said it?"
πŸ‘΄πŸΏ Prophets

This book of the Bible talks about a man who wrestled with God

Hint: 50 points

*50 bonus points if the chapter can be named

What is Genesis 32?


The name and relation of the person who baptized Jesus

Hint: 50 points

Who is John the Baptist, Jesus’ cousin? 

Luke 1:36 KJV


The body of water that John the Baptist used to baptize Jesus

Hint: 50 points

What is the Jordan River? 

Matthew 3:13


This quote was said by whom in the Bible? 

β€œAnd now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.”

Hint: 50 points

Who is Joseph? 

Genesis‬ ‭45‬:‭5‬


This prophet was prophesied as a messenger to β€œprepare the way before the Lord, make paths straight for him.”

Hint: 50 points

Who is John the Baptist? 

Malachi 3:1-4 & Mark 1:4


This book of the Bible mentions a man who received his strength from the length of his hair

Hint: 100 points

 What is Judges?


This many people were aboard Noah’s ark

Hint: 100 points

What is 8 people? 

Genesis 7:13 & 1 Peter 3:20


The name of the place where Jesus died

Hint: 100 points

What is Calvary (Latin)? or Golgotha (Hebrew)?

John 19:17-18


This quote was said by whom in the Bible? 

β€œBut as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

Hint: 100 points

Who is Joshua?  

Joshua 24:15


This prophet was instructed to marry a promiscuous woman

Hint: 100 points

Who is Hosea? 

Hosea 1:2


The book of Psalms has this amount of chapters

Hint: 150 points

What is 150 chapters?


This person ate honey out of a lion’s carcass

Hint: 150 points

Who is Samson? 

Judges 14:8


Name two of the four headwaters that flowed out of the Garden of Eden. 

Hint: 150 points

*bonus 150 extra points if all headwaters are named

What are Pishon, Gihon, Tigris, and Euphrates rivers?

Genesis 2:10-14


This quote was said by whom in the Bible? 

β€œSpeak, for your servant is listening.”

Hint: 150 points

Who is Samuel?

1 Samuel 3:10


The book of this minor prophet has is known for being the shortest Old Testament book

Hint: 150 points

Who is Obadiah? 

*Obadiah has one singular chapter


These two books of the Bible do not explicitly mention God’s name

Hint: 200 points

What is the book of Esther and Song of Solomon/Song of Songs?


The occupation of Paul the Apostle

Hint: 200 points

What is a tentmaker? 

Acts 18:3


Goliath, the Philistine champion, came from this city

Hint: 200 points

What is Gath? 

1 Samuel 17:4


This quote was said by whom in the Bible? 

β€œ...if I perish, I perish.”

Hint: 200 points

Who is Queen Esther? 

Esther 4:16


Which prophet is notable for having a vision of a whirlwind and the New Temple

Hint: 200 points

Who is Ezekiel? 

Ezekiel 1:4 & Ezekiel 43:12


Name the book of the Bible that mentions the armor of God, including the name of all seven pieces 

*The book and all seven pieces MUST be said for full credit

Hint: 250 points

What is Ephesians 6:10-20 - 

(1)Belt of truth, (2)Breastplate of righteousness, (3)Gospel/Shoes of peace, (4)Shield of faith, (5)Helmet of salvation, (6)Sword of the spirit, and (7)Prayer?


The considered 13th apostle to replace Judas Iscariot

Hint: 250 points

Who is St. Matthias?

Acts 1:24-26


The name of the city where Jacob/Israel was buried

Hint: 250 points

What is Machpelah?

Genesis 49:29


This quote was said by whom in the Bible? 

β€œWhat have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?”

Hint: 250 points

What is a donkey?

Numbers 22:28


What city is said to be like a lion and destined to be destroyed; and what prophet was sent to save them

*both parts must be answered for full credit

Hint: 250 points

What is Nineveh? and Who is Jonah? 

Nineveh 4:11-13 & Jonah 3:1-2
