Cite this verse: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."
What is John 3:16?
Number of books in the Bible
What is 66?
The number of Disciples that Jesus had
What is 12?
What is David and Goliath?
The sorrowful books of the Bible.
What are Lamentations and/or Ecclesiastes?
Finish this verse from Genesis 1:1: "In the Beginning...
What is "God created the heavens and the earth?"
The 4 books known as The Gospels.
What is Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?
The mother of Jesus.
Who was Mary?
A man made a boat because God told Him there was going to be a flood on the Earth.
What is Noah and The Ark?
The God who sees me.
What is El-Roi?
The last word written in the Bible.
What is "Amen"?
The name for the first 5 books in the Bible
What is the Pentacuch?
The hometown of Jesus.
What is Nazareth?
A man was thrown into a lion's den but did not die.
What is Daniel and the Lion's Den?
The disciple who cut off a person's ear.
Who is Peter?
The shortest verse in the Bible.
"Jesus wept."
The book that comes CHRONOLOGICALLY after Genesis.
What is the Book of Job?
Jesus's cousin.
Who is John the Baptist?
A woman was unable to have children, so she prayed to the Lord and was able to receive her child.
Who is "Hannah"?
The number of times it is recorded that Jesus wept.
What is 2?
John 11:35 and Luke 19:41-44
The longest verse in the Bible. (Book is okay too!)
What is Esther 8:9?
A book in the Bible that ends with a question mark.
What is Jonah? (or Nahum)
The job of Jesus's earthly father.
What is a carpenter?
The author of Hebrews.
Who is "we don't know"?
The author of Hebrews.
Who is "we don't know"?