For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have ________life.
John 3:16
The rain was upon the earth for this long after Noah built the ark.
40 days and 40 nights
Genesis 7:12
Jesus' age when he was teaching the elders in the temple, and Mary and Joseph were looking for him.
Twelve Years old
Luke 2:42
What David used to Kill Goliath.
a sling and a stone
1 Samuel 17:49-50
He is Alpha and Omega.
Revelation 21:5-6
Trust in the _________ with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5
He had to climb a sycamore tree to see Jesus
Luke 19:1-4
I lived to be 969 years old.
Who is Methuselah?
Genesis 5:27
God told Moses to make this for the people to look at and live when they were bitten by serpents in the wilderness.
a bronze serpent
Numbers 21:9
Elisha asked for a double portion of this prophet's spirit.
2 Kings 2:9
In everything, give _________
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Where was Jesus laid when he was born
Lazarus was had been dead this many days when Jesus raised him from the dead.
John 11:39
What God used to destroy the earth in the days of Noah.
Water or a Flood
Genesis 6:17
He made an axe head swim.
2 Kings 6:1-6
What tree did Jesus curse because it bore no fruit?
the fig tree
Mark 11:21
Judas did this to betray Jesus to the chief priests and elders.
What Action?
Matthew 26:48-49
Mark 14:44-45
This is the number of Tribes of Israel.
Genesis 49:28
God delivered Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from this place.
the fiery furnace
Daniel 3:26-27
David was best friend's with his enemy's son ______.
1 Samuel 18:1
His wife told him to curse God and die.
Job 2:9
Jesus said this to Simon Peter and Andrew when they were casting their net into the sea, before they were disciples of Him.
Follow me and I will make you fishers of men
Matthew 4:18-19
The book of Revelation has how many chapters?
These gifts were brought to Jesus when He was a child. (3)
Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh
Matthew 2:11
I denied Jesus 3 times.
Mark 14:72; Luke 22:61
In the beginning was the _______
John 1:1
This is the shortest book in the New Testament.
2 John
This is the number of Apostles Jesus chose.
Matthew 10:2-4
The animal God used to speak to Balaam.
a donkey
Numbers 22:22-34
how many locks of hair did Samson have.
7 locks of hair