Who was Moses' sister?
who is Miriam?
The apostle Paul was also known by what name?
Who is Saul?
In which book of the Bible do we read: "I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine:..."?
What is the Song of Solomon?
Song 6:3
According to the book of Job, what is one way that God gets people to listen?
What is "through their pain?"
Job 36:15
Which two things were to be included in the Passover celebration?
unleavened bread and bitter herbs
numbers 9:11
What fate befell Korah, Dathan, and Abiram?
They were swallowed by the earth.
Numbers 16:32
Name "a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia"
Who is Paul
Acts 22:3
In which book do we find the account of Joseph?
What is Genesis?
Genesis 37
When Paul talks about those who are "asleep," what does he mean?
What is "people who are dead"?
1 Thessalonians 4:13
Esau sold his birthright to his brother jacob for what food?
Red pottage
Genesis 25:30
How many Philistines did Samson kill with a donkey's jawbone?
what is 1000?
Judges 15:15
Jude identifies himself as "a servant of Jesus Christ, and a brother of..." whom?
Who is James?
Jude 1
Which New Testament book provides the most information concerning spiritual gifts?
What is 1 Corinthians?
1 Corinthians 1
How did Gabriel appear to Daniel in his vision?
He flew swiftly
Daniel 9:21
How was the wood Solomon needed to build the temple for his palace transported to Jerusalem?
By rafts on the sea and then carried on land
2 Chronicles 2:16
Who was the first one God gave permission to eat meat?
Who is Noah?
Genesis 9:1-3
Who compared false teachers with wandering stars?
Who is Jude?
Jude 13
What was one of the reasons 1 John was written?
What is "to expose false teachers"?
1 John 1
What kind of song does Ezekiel command the leaders of Israel to sing?
A lamentation song or funeral song.
Ezekiel 19:1
Which of these things did Solomon not compare to wisdom?
Proverbs 3:14-15
Which judge was unable to rescue Israel because he was left handed?
Who is Ehud?
Judges 3:16
Who was surnamed "Barnabas" by the apostles?
Who is Joses?
Acts 4:36
In what book is the following verse found? "Children, obey your parents in all things; for this is well pleasing unto the Lord."
What is "Colossians"?
Colossians 3:20
What did God say, through Isaiah, that he would restore to the Israelites so that they would be called the city of righteousness?
Judges and counsellors
Isaiah 1:26
What color did the captains, rulers and horseman of Assyria wear?
Ezekiel 23:6