What date is our yearly memorial according to the Hebrew calendar?
Nisan 14
PARTIES: Jehovah and David
PURPOSE: It establishes that the Messianic King will come from David’s line and that what the Kingdom accomplishes will be everlasting
Davidic covenant
Jesus wasn’t his only name in the bible
This woman betrayed Samson
And no one was able to master this _______ except the 144,000.
When was Solomon‘s temple of Jerusalem destroyed?
607 BCE
Parties: Jehovah & Human Race
Purpose: a promise from Jehovah that the Earth will never be destroyed again by a flood.
Rainbow Covenant
Abram‘s name was changed to this shortly after God made a covenant with him.
Who is the “woman” as described in the following verse? “And I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring.“ Gen 3:15
The heavenly part of Jehovah’s organization.
faithful spirit creatures
How many tribes are the 144,000 divided into?
What year did the apostle John write the book of Revelation?
96. CE.
PARTIES: Jesus and spiritual Israel
PURPOSE: It legally joins anointed Christians with Christ to rule as kings and serve as priests in heaven
Kingdom covenant
Tabitha is her Hebrew name. What is her Greek name?
This woman had seven unclean spirits cast it out of her.
Mary Magdalene
According to Romans 8:15, they receive a spirit of adoption as sons by which they cry out what two words?
ABBA, Father!
What year did Cyrus decree the return of the Jews to Jerusalem?
PARTIES: Jehovah and Jesus
PURPOSE: It provides a legal arrangement for Jesus —the primary part of the woman’s “offspring”— to be king and priest forever
Covenant for a priest like Melchizedek
This is the name Jehovah gave to Solomon!
2 Sam 12:25
How many different Mary’s are mentioned in the bible?
When will the 144,000 marry the Lamb?
After the war of Armageddon.
When is Armageddon?
No one knows the day nor the hour
PARTIES: Jehovah and natural Israel
PURPOSE: It protects the “offspring” and leads humans to the Messiah
Law Covenant
Shadrach. Meshach. Abednego are their Babylonian names. What are their Hebrew names?
Hananiah. Mishael. Azariah.
This woman along with her husband tragically lied because she “was emboldened to lie to the Holy Spirit”
__________ has no authority over this group!
Second death
rev 20:6