Christ having Dark Skin
Revelation 1:14-15
Daniel 10:5-6
And choose none of his ways.
Proverbs 3:31
I......, I......, A....
I was the second King of Israel
King David
2 Samuel 5:3
What's the definition of Egypt?
The House of Bondage
Exodus 20:2, Deuteronomy 5:6
The real Jews having Dark Skin
Jeremiah 14:2
Traditions of Men
Colossians 2:8
I'm not always Motivated But......
I'm always Disciplined
Because of Me the Nation of Israel was Split
King Solomon
1 Kings 11:11-12
Both Oppressed Together
Jeremiah 50:33
Black and Comely
Song of Solomon 1:5
An Ungodly Custom
Wisdom of Solomon 14:16
We In.......
This Building
The 2 Nations Created through Incest
Moabites and Ammonites
Genesis 19:34-38
Lead away Captive into all Nations
Luke 21:21-24
Visage is Blacker than coal
Lamentations 4:8
The Romans Keeping Easter during the Passover
Acts 12:3-4
Stand Behind us protect you.....
Stand beside us respect you
I was 8 years old when I began to reign as King in Jerusalem
King Josiah
2 Chronicles 34:1
Name the Major Captivities in Order
Babylon- 600 BC
Persian Medes- 539 BC
Greek- 333 BC
Roman- 64 BC
America- 1776 AD
Israel's face shall never wax Pale
Isaiah 29:22
What name does Easter derive from and prove that Israel served this God
1 Samuel 7:4, 1 Samuel 12:10
Talent can get you in the Door but........
Only character keeps you in the room
The only 3 Kings that were Righteous
King David, King Hezekiah, and King Josiah
Sirach 49:4
What do our Fringes Represent?
The World/Israel
Deuteronomy 22:12
Deuteronomy 32:26
1 Kings 8:47