I am Jacob and Esau’s mother.
Who is Rebekah?
mhmmm locust and honey.... Delicious!!
Who is John, Jesus's Cousin?
My name means __.
What is "I choose to become"?
What city was I born in?
What is Nazareth?
I recorded the Sermon on the Mount.
Who is Matthew?
I taught the powerful lesson of prayer and sacrifice even when others taught I was drunk! 2X!!!!
Who is Hannah?
"How could I commit this great badness and actually sin against God?"
Who is Joseph?
At one point, the __ were my chosen people.
Who are the Israelites?
My stepfather’s name was __.
Who is Joseph?
I love MONEY!!
Who is Judas?
I saved my people...
Who is Esther?
Who could potentially say...
"Forget the locust, this scroll taste better"
Who is Ezekiel?
__ walked with the true God.
Who is Noah?
I was baptized by?
Who is John the Baptizer?
A rooster reminded me of my overconfidence
Who is Peter?
My sister stole my place at first, but eventually my role as the favorite wife was given.
Who is Rachel?
I asked Jesus a question at night.
Who is Nicodemus?
What was my first creation?
What is Jesus?
I turned water into __ at a wedding (John 2:9)
What is wine?
Jesus loved me. This I know.
We travel alone, but together with our faith in Jehovah we will always prosper!
Who is Naomi and daughter-in-law Ruth?
Jehovah revealed to me the meaning of His name.
Who is Moses?
What is my ultimate purpose/dream?
Open ended: Along the lines of wanting all creations to come together and worship Jehovah in peace forever!!
What are the gifts I left?
What is Gifts in Men?
I was a fisherman
Who is James?