Paul went on several missionary journeys in his life. What is the name of the letters he wrote that are now books in the Bible
The Epistles of Paul
There are a couple of Gospels written by several people. How many are there?
The New Testament is the smallest Testament in the Bible. What is the last book in the New Testament?
Who was Jesus' Mother?
The Virgin Mary
Paul was formerly known as one who persecuted Christians. What was his name before he was met by God?
There are several Gospels in the New Testament. What is the 2rd Gospel?
Which book in the Bible is Mark famous for writing?
The Gospel of Mark (Mark)
Which woman of the Bible was a peasant who collected leftover wheat out of a field who is eventually noticed by the owner and marries him?
Jesus had 12 prophets during His time of teaching. Which one betrayed Jesus?
Where was Paul originally from?
Which Gospel mentions when the wisemen went to see Jesus after His birth?
Which book in the New Testament explains how a Christian should act? (Hint: Its not Acts)
***Romans and James are accepted but Ephesians is the best answer***
Which queen of Persia saved her people from annihilation by the King's Prime Minister?
What island did Paul and more people crash-land on in the Mediterranean Sea where Paul was bit by a poisonous snake and lived?
The authors of the Gospels are famously known for only one book, being the gospels. Which author of one of the Gospels wrote the most books outside of the gospels?
Acts 13-21 specifically talks about what?
The Missionary Journeys of Paul
A certain woman was told she couldn't have a baby yet birthed her first son, Issac, at 90. She is known for her faith and patience. Who is this?
What act did Peter commit in front of Jesus?
Where was Paul imprisoned when he wrote the Epistles of the Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon?
In the Gospel of John, Jesus attends a wedding. What famous act is performed by Jesus here?
He turns water into wine
What book did John, the author of The Gospel of John, write while in exile?
This woman is known for her background that was sinful, yet turned to Jesus and was saved. Who is the harlot that helped Joshua and his army capture Jericho?
What was Peter's affiliation (job) before he witnessed Jesus walk on water and become a prophet?