Bible 1
Bible 2
Bible 3
Bible 4
Bible 5

What are the four kinds of contents the Bible is divided into?

What is History, Teaching, Prophecy, Fulfillment


What are the two types of Revelation?

What is Vision Revelation and Prophecy fulfillment Revelation


Describe one of King Nebuchadnezzar's dreams?

What is The Dream of a Statue or/and Dream about the Large Tree


How many times is "after this" used in revelation? Include reference verses 

What is 6 Times 

Rv 4:1, Rv 7:1, Rv 7:9, Rv 15:5, Rv 18:1, Rv 19:1


What are the seven main events of that occurred during the ministry of Jesus, who fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies?

What is God descended upon his son, the new thing, He received and proclaimed the revealed word, He spoke in parables, He sowed seed, He established the new covenant, He bore the cross, resurrected, and ascended to heaven


Where does it say that Adam lived 930 years old?

What is Gen 5:5

 " Altogether, Adam lived a total of 930 years, and then he died."


What are the names of the seven churches in revelation chapter 1?

What is Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.


What are the four types of fields + Descriptions?

What is Path, Thorny, Rocky, and Good soil


What are the 3 plagues of revelation? When does it take place?

What is the Plague of Seals (Before 42m)

Plague of Trumpets (During 42m)

Plague of Bowls (After 42m)


What does the Lord's prayer contain?

Prophecy and purpose of God


How many chapters and verses are in Revelation? 

What is 22 Chapters and 404 Verses


How long is the male child supposed to fight and overcome the beast?

What is For 42 months


What is the spiritual woman and the reference verse?

What is a pastor,  Gal 4:19


What is the Beginning of Rv? What is the end?

What is Beginning: Appearance of 7 msgrs who prepare the way

End: Creation of NHNE & HCNJR coming down


What is the nickname of prophet Ezekiel? What is the nickname of Ez 37

What is prophet of riddles

What is dry bones chapter


What is the Importance of Revelation?

What is Salvation, KOH, Eternal Life


What four things do you need to prepare for the wedding banquet and what are reference verses?

What is the lamp, oil, wedding clothes, and being sealed 

Ps 119:105, Mt 25, Mt 22, Rv 7


What contents are within the ark of the covenant?

 Gold jar of manna, Aaron's budded staff, and the Stone tablets.


Describe the Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation

( Who, When, Where, How, What, Why)

What is 

(Apostle John           New John)

(2000 (A.D)              Today)

(Island Patmos          Fist Tab)

(Vision Rv                 Phy Fulf Rv)

(To believe when       Salvation, E.L)

it happens

(Future Events            BDS)


What are the two types of Betrayal?

What is Betrayal of a Nation -(BDS)

Betrayal of an individual- After coming to the place of salvation, leaving again to go back to the world


What is the nickname for Mt 23?

What is The WOE chapter


What is the trumpet verse?

What is Isaiah 58:1

Shout it aloud, do not hold back.
    Raise your voice like a trumpet.


 What is revelation in Korean? What does it mean?

What is Yo Han Gye Shi Lok

To open- "True meaning of parables"

 and to show- "Physical Realities"


What verse states that the holy spirit is the advocate that teaches us all things and reminds us of what Jesus says?

What is Jn 14:26?

"But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.


What are the three types of sin with examples?

What is original sin (Adam's sin), hereditary sin(Ancestors/generational), and personal sin(our own sin)
