Who did Jesus tell to feed His sheep?
This disciple betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
What city in the Bible was so evil they were willing to rape two men (angels) who came to their city?
Sodom and Gomorrah
This Hebrew queen used her beauty and wisdom to win the favor of King Ahasuerus, saving her people from destruction.
Who said this, "Am I my brother's keeper?"
What tribe was Jesus from?
This king and his wife, Jezebel, were known for their cruelty, including stealing a vineyard by having its owner killed.
Which man in the Bible got tricked by his daughters to get drunk so that they could sleep with him for offspring?
This Philistine woman seduced a famous Israelite judge, ultimately leading to his downfall.
On what day did God create the sun, moon, and stars?
Jesus fulfilled Zechariah 9:9 by entering Jerusalem riding this specific animal.
Donkey or Colt
A group of young boys mocked this prophet by calling him "baldy," and they were mauled by bears.
Which man in the Bible got his daughter-in-law pregnant thinking she was a harlot?
This quality is often highlighted in Proverbs as more precious than rubies, and is described as something that makes a person truly admirable.
Who is the oldest person recorded in the Bible, and how many years did he live?
Methuselah - 969
Jesus said "Blessed are the ____: for they shall see God."
a. Meek
b. Pure in heart
c. Peacemakers
d. Merciful
b. Pure in heart
Joseph's brothers wanted to kill him. Whose idea was it to cast him into a pit?
What was the name of the man who fell madly in love with this half-sister but wanted nothing to do with her after the deed?
Proverbs teaches that "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who ___ ___ ___ is to be praised
Fears the Lord
Name the 10 Commandments in order
The only miracle of Jesus recorded in all four Gospels is this.
feeding of the 5,000
This queen had John the Baptist beheaded after her daughter danced for King Herod.
Which book in the Bible talks about a story in the city of Benjamin about a large group of people wanting to gang rape a man but the man instead sends his concubine out to the group who later dies. And the man then cuts his concubine into pieces and sends them to the different tribes to show the wickedness in Israel.
This Old Testament book describes love as “strong as death,” highlighting the power and intensity of true love.
Song of Solomon
Name all 66 of the Books in the Bible in order