What is the 7th book of the old Testament
Господь близький всім , хто взивае до Нього, хто правдою кличе Його!
Where is this written
( псалмів 145:18)
The parable of robbers, an inn, and a donkey. What is it
The Good Samaritan
Instead of going to Nineveh, I decided to bail. Thrown overboard while out to sea, I was swallowed up by a whale. Who am I?
You might see me in the sky, and by a waterfall I’m lower. Some say that I was first seen after a flood by Noah. What am I?
What is the last book of the Old testament
Будьте ж…………….. слова, а не слухачами самими, що себе самих обманюють.
The parable of a jug of oil, 2 sons, and a prophet. What is it?
The widow who paid a debt with never-ending oil
I was a leader, I was wise, I walked a lot, I had 12 spies, I had a plan, I had God’s help, but in the end, I made a mistake and died on a mountain and where my body is now, nobody knows
It kept him steady and others away. It kept them safe and showed the way. Once thrown down upon the ground, it came alive with a hissing sound. It hit the rock as it was told. And that was when the water flowed. What is it?
Moses’s rod
What are the five books written by Moses
Покликуй до Мене і тобі відповім, і тобі розповім про велике та…………………., чого ти не знаєш!
The parable of a good father, lots of money and fun, and pigs. What is it
The prodigal son
Who am I, I built a large structure that was made for water, and people laughed at me thinking I was a fool but when the time came, I was the only one saved
In the desert I was found, hotter than the sand on the ground, a strange sight to him that was tending a flock. He couldn’t believe that I could talk. What am I?
The burning bush
What are the 2 books named after women
На Господа здай дорогу свою і на Нього надію клади, і Він зробить, і Він………………….., немов світло, твою справедливість а правду твою — немов………………….
(Псалмів 37: 5-6)
The parable of 4 types of hearts, the forgetful, the busy, the inconsistent, and the good heart
What is this parable
The parable of the sower
I prayed 3 times a day with opened windows, and because of this I was arrested, who am I
I chose to climb a sycamore tree to see Jesus and invited him to come to my house, even though other people sneered at me. Who am I?
I am 2 books away from Nehemiah
And 3 Books away from Ecclesiastes
Чим додержить юнак у чистоті свою стежку?……… …………………………. …………… ………….
(Пс. 118:9)
Як держатиметься Твоїх слів!
2 buildings built, a rainstorm comes….what happens
Tell us the parable
The wise man- built his home on a rock, when the storm came his house stood strong
the fool- built his home on sand, when the storm came, his house fell
God gave me a gift, then asked for it back, when I came to give it to Him, he had a substitute ready, and stopped my attack
I was made into a statue and put on a stick that healed the sick, what am I?
A snake