Who was the first disciple to betray Jesus?
Judas the Iscariot
Which prophet was swallowed by a Big Fish?
On what day did God create man
Sixth Day
Who is the angel who told Mary she would give birth to Jesus?
The Angel Gabriel
Who is the first king of Israel
Through what did God speak to Moses in the desert?
A burning bush.
Who did Jesus raise from the dead?
Name one of the two birds Noah sent from the Ark
A Raven and a dove
What was Jesus' profession before he started his ministry?
A carpenter
What king ask for wisdom instead of riches?
King Solomon
How many times did David spare Saul’s life?
How many Men did Gideon use to defeat the midianites?
How many plagues did God send to Egypt?
After Jesus was crucified, who took His body down from the cross?
Joseph of Arimathea
What King was tricked into throwing Daniel into the lions den
King Darius
What two Men in the bible never died?
Enoch & Elijah
Who became king when he was eight years old?
King Josiah
What did Jacob give Joseph that sparked jealousy from his siblings?
A coat of many colors
At King Herod's birthday party, what unusual gift did he grant his stepdaughter?
The Head of John the Baptist
What King sent for Sarah to take her as his wife, believing she was Abraham's sister?
King Abimelech
who is the oldest man in the bible?
and how is it possible that he died before his father?
because his father is Enoch and Enoch never died.
Who committed the first act of Sin?
Lucifer (Satan)
Who was the only female judge of Israel?
What color are the four horses in the Book of Revelation?
White, Red, Dark and Pale
Which king of Judah was taken into exile after witnessing the deaths of his sons, before then being blinded?
King Zedekiah