What do we celebrate at Christmas?
Jesus's birth
Who is in the story of the ark?
Noah and his family, oh and don't forget the animals
How many books are in the Bible?
Who was thrown in the Lions den?
Who is the first woman in the Bible?
What happened to Jesus at Easter?
He died for our sins and rose from the grave.
Who led his people out of Egypt?
Moses and aaron
What is the first book in the Bible?
How long did it take to get to the promise land?
40 years
Who was the first person to see Jesus after he was resurrected?
Mary Magdalene
What friend did Jesus bring back from death?
Who had the coat of many colors?
What is the last book in the Bible?
What happened to the first siblings in the Bible?
Cain killed his brother Able
Who was John the Baptist's mother?
Who are Jesus's parents?
God, Mary, Joseph
What is the biggest book in the Bible?
What did Joseph do to his brothers?
Made them bring their father to him and then forgave them.
Who are Lazarus sisters?
Martha and Mary of Bethany
What are some miracles that Jesus did?
rose people from the dead, healed a blind man, turned water into wine, fed 5,000 people, etc...
How many Judges are there?
Which book is quoted on the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, USA?
Leviticus 25:10
What all is David known for in the Bible?
killing goliath, becoming king
Who helped save her people when she married a king?