Who restored Pauls sight after the Lord blinded him?
Ananias Acts 9:17-18
What was Jesus last command to his disciples?
What is the first city mentioned in the Bible?
Enoch Gen. 4:17
What is the smallest State in the US?
Rhode Island
Who wrote the book of Phillipians?
Where was Paul stoned?
Lystra Acts 14:19
Which apostle told Jesus that he had left all to follow him?
Peter John 13:37
What book of the Bible was written without mentioning the name of God?
What is the largest Ocean?
When was the book of Phillipians written?
AD 61
What was Pauls occupation?
Tentmaking Acts 18:3
Who took Judas's place among the 12?
Mathhias Acts 1:23
Who was the first Christian convert in Europe?
Lydia Acts 16:14
What is the center of a Human cell called?
Where was Paul when he wrote the letter to the Phillipians?
Prison in Rome
What does Paul say is the fulfillment of the law?
Love Rom. 13:10
Which of the apostles first suffered martyrdom?
James Acts 12:2
Where will the Great Feast of the marriage supper of the Lamb be spread?
Heaven Rev. 12:9
Who was the 3rd US President?
Thomas Jefferson
The book of Phillipians is the ( ) book of the New Testament?
How did Paul escape Damascus when the Jews where trying to kill him?
He was let down from the city walls in a basket. Acts 9:25
Of whom did our Savior say, I will make you fishers of men?
Simeon, Peter, Andrew Mark 1:17
What was the name of the city to which Lot escaped at the destruction of Sodom?
Zoar Gen.19:23
How many feet are in 2 miles?
Philippi was a city located in the northeastern part of what country?