The first book of the Bible
What is Genesis?
The strongest person in the bible
Who was Samson
This Apostle was the first to establish the Christian church in India
Who was St. Thomas
This feast is also called Yeldho
What is Christmas or Nativity?
What is "So be it"?
Authored many Psalms
Who was David
She is also know as the Theotokos
Who was Mary
First Canonized saint of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church
Who was St. Gregorios of Parumala
The first Sunday of the liturgical calendar?
What is Qudosh 'Idto?
What is "Bless me O Lord (Father)"?
This book documents the journey of the Israelites
What is Exodus
He received the Ten Commandments from God
Who was Moses
The Metropolitan of our Diocese
Who is His Grace Abraham Mar Stephanos
The first Sunday (miracle) of Great Lent
What is the Wedding of Cana?
What is "My brethren"?
He wrote the first five books of the Old Testament
Who was Moses
He led the Isrealites after Moses died
Who was Joshua
This saint is mentioned in the 5th Thubden
Who is any of the following: Saints Ignatius, Clement, Dionysius, Timothy, Philoxenos, Antimus, John (Ivanios), Cyril, Severus, Ephrem…..there are more
Jesus's baptism is celebrated on this feast day
What is Denaha (January 6th)
What is "Lord have mercy"?
He wrote the book of revelation
Who was St. John the apostle
He was the yougest son of Jacob
Who was Benjamin
This church father is known as the Catholicos of the East or Bava thirumeni
Who is His Holiness Moran Mar Baselios Mathoma Mathews III
Holy Qurbana is always for this feast, even if the date falls on Good Friday
What is Annunciation to St. Mary or Suboro (March 25)
What is "God be praised"?