How many disciples did Jesus have?
What is 12?
The Bible says to be this to anger
What is slow?
How does God feel about you?
what is He loves you so much that he died for you
Who can save us from sin?
What is Jesus?
Who built the ark in the Bible?
What is Noah?
The main job of a disciple
What is To know and follow and learn from Jesus
According to the Bible, you should do this when angry
What is go to God about it?
What should we do when we make a mistake?
what is Ask and pray to God for forgiveness and a clean heart
What is sin?
What is doing things that are not pleasing to his sight?
Who defeated Goliath the giant in the Bible?
What is David?
The first disciple Jesus called?
Who is Peter?
What does the Bible say about forgiving others?
What is "Forgive others, just as God forgives you"?
How does loving yourself help you love others?
What is helps you show kindness and care to others?
How can we become saved?
what is believing in Jesus and asking for forgiveness?
Who parted the Red Sea?
What is Moses?