This is the number of believers that were nominated to replace Judas Iscariot.
What is 2?
This false god is typically represented by a cow.
What is Baal?
Elisha was jeered by youth saying "Go on up, you bald head" and as a result the suffered this fate.
What is mauled by bears?
These are the three patriarchs of Israel.
Who are Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?
Canaan was known as the land of these two foods.
What are milk and honey?
This is the number of judges for the nation of Israel.
What is 12?
Aaron said this god just came out of the fire after he threw in gold jewelry.
What is the Golden Calf?
Elisha instructed a widow to sell this item to pay off her late husband's debts.
What is olive oil?
Israel broke into two nations under this descendant of David.
Who is Rehoboam?
Jesus fed this food to two different large crowds.
What are fish and bread?
This is the number of children born to Jacob/Israel.
What is 13?
Nehushtan was the name of this false god worshiped by the Israelites.
What is the bronze serpent on a pole?
Elisha made this tool float.
What is an axe head?
Talk about rags to riches! This slave saved Egypt from serious starvation.
Who is Joseph?
Mmm, crunchy! John the Baptist ate this insect.
What are locusts?
This is the number of days that spies explored the Promised Land.
What is 40?
This false goddess was worshiped with a pole.
Who is Asherah?
Elisha's servant saw these when Elisha prayed for him.
What are horses and chariots of fire?
This prophet thought that the voice of God actually belonged to a priest.
Who is Samuel?
This food was was woven between bells on the robes of the Levitical priests.
What are pomegranates?
Methusalah was this age when he died.
What is 969?
This false god fell on his face before the Ark of the Lord with his head and hands broken off.
Who is Dagon?
Elisha instructed Namaan how how to be cured from this disease.
What is leprosy?
This judge used a jawbone of a donkey to exact revenge on his enemies.
Who is Samson?
This flighty food was supplied by God to feed Israel in the wilderness.
What are quail?