He served in a great capacity with his younger brother, and although the bible records his flaws and discipline, Jehovah viewed him with favor
Who is Aaron?
It is noteworthy that in each of his three deflections, Aaron does not appear as the principal initiator of the wrong action but, rather, seems to have allowed the pressure of the circumstances or the influence of others to sway him from a course of rectitude.
These are the two types of animals Solomon had imported into his land by his fleet of ships
What are peacocks and apes? ((1Ki 10:22)
This is the modern map of the area around Italy and Greece, but the area blacked out was the land just a step over from Italy in bible times
You fill this form out if you meet someone in the territory who speaks another language?
What is the S-43 Please Follow Up form?
Job describes this animal:
Here, now, is Be·heʹmoth, which I made as I made you.
It eats grass like a bull.
Its bones are tubes of copper;
Its limbs are like wrought-iron rods.
What is a hippopotamus?
Job chapter 40
This man was a husband, father and king before he was 20 years old. Some would call that unwise
Who is Solomon?
g 6/09 p. 19 How Can I Manage My Time?
When the Israelite armies captured a nation, they were often commanded to do this with the horses they accumulated from the victory
What is cut their hamstrings?
Doing this would incapacitate them and not allow the Israelites to take any for battle against the next nation. This would help them to see their reliance on Jehovah was way stronger than any other advantage over an enemy
This area was the closest to the known location of the Garden of Eden, but captivity there was nothing like paradise. Captives were often yanked around by rings in their noses
Almost every publisher will fill out this S-4 form at some point in their life
What is the Field Service Report form?
There once was confusion surrounding if this was a "cud-chewer" or not, regardless, it was considered unclean for Israelites to eat. Glad thats not the case for us today!
What is a rabbit?
This man was sent to encourage the apostle Paul, but Paul ended up writing the Philippians informing them that this same man struggled with depression.
Who is Epaphroditus?
Paul reported: “He is longing to see all of you and is depressed because you heard he had fallen sick.” (Philippians 2:26) Epaphroditus knew that the brothers in his congregation were aware that he was ill and had not been able to assist Paul in the way that they had hoped.
This land was visited by Jesus on several occasions, often times to get water
What is Samaria?
If you fill out an A-9 form you might be applying for what?
What is to be a Bethelite?
To emphasize his priorities, Jesus once told a Greek woman “It is not right to take the bread of the children and throw it to these little animals.”
What are dogs?
Matthew 15:21-26
Name two of 5 men in the bible that Jehovah assumed responsibility for their birth (Not Jesus)
Who is?
Isaac, Samson, Samuel, John the Baptizer, or Jeremiah
Several articles were written based on his life with the idea that our Strengths can become our Weaknesses. He once killed 300 men all by himself but was never ranked among the top 3 warriors
Who is Abishai?
David had to restrain him from pinning Saul to the ground once when they snuck into his camp.
Jesus wrote to seven congregations in Revelation, all of which were along key trade routes in bible times...name one
You or a friend may have recently filled out a CO-152 form to be considered for this
What is an International Convention?
Jehovah’s angel foretold that Abraham’s son Ishmael would be like this animal
What is a zebra or donkey?
Likely this had reference to a fiercely independent disposition, as suggested by the words: “His hand will be against everyone.”—Ge 16:12
He married his cousin, whom he loved dearly....or at least he thought he married her!
Who is Jacob?
at the wedding Rachel’s older sister Leah was deceitfully substituted
Jacobs grand daughter, whom Jehovah killed her first two husbands. Her third she had to trick into marrying her.
Who is Tamar?
Her third husband she tricked by portraying a prostitute and after relations revealed who she was. Interestingly, the line of the Messiah comes thru her
This measured 300 miles long and 35 miles wide
What is the Promised Land?
If you wanted to work with the LDC (Local Design and Construction Group) you would ask your secretary for this form
What is a DC-50?
This creatures name is used for a variety of animals in the bible, so we are not sure what it is, just that its: large in proportion, strength and resides in water
What is the "Leviathan"?