What year was Jesus established on his throne?
What is 1914?
The names of Moses' siblings
Who are Miriam and Aaron?
"May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah you alone are the Most High over all the earth."
What is Psalms 83:18
How old was Jesus when he got baptized?
What is 30?
He was in the Jordan River when the Heavens opened up. His father could hardly speak about the miraculous birth of his son.
Who is "John the Baptizer"?
Before Jehovah's Witnesses, what was the group know as?
What is the Bible Students?
A jealous king that tried to kill David.
Who is Saul?
List three of Jehovah's titles.
What is Lord, Almighty God, Creator, King of eternity
He cared more about a piece of vegetation than he did the people he preached to on God's behalf. He spent seventy-two hours in the ocean.
Who is Jonah?
What year did our name change?
What is 1931?
Who was the strongest man in the Bible?
What is Samson?
"Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned."
What is Romans 5:12?
How old was Jesus when he died?
What is 33?
Despite not being a football player, this man's favorite son went up against Bears, Lions, Chiefs and Giants.
This publication came out in 1879
What is The Watchtower?
Name six of Jacob's twelve sons.
Who are Reu'ben, Sim'eon, Le'vi, Judah, Is'sachar, Ze'bulun, Joseph, Benjamin, Dan, and Naph'tali, Gad, and Asher
Recite the first sentence of James 4:8
What is "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you."?
Which of Jehovah's four main qualities surpasses all?
What is love?
No one can see his father without going through him first.
Who is Jesus Christ?
The first editor of the Watchtower in the 19th Century.
Who is Charles Taze Russell?
A king that lost his mind, living like a wild animal.
Who is Nebuchadnezzar?
"All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness."
What is 2 Timothy 3:16?
What does Jehovah's name mean?
What is “He Causes to Become"?
One of Jehovah's four main qualities