Bible Basics
Bible Basics
New Testament
The Apostles

The part of the Bible that was written before Jesus' birth is called the________________.

What is the Old Testament


What is the first book of the Old Testament?

What is Genesis


Where was Jesus born?

What is Nazareth?


How many disciples were there?

What is 12


What does the word Bible "biblios" mean?

What is books


In the following

Leviticus 8:23

what does the 8 stand for?

What is Chapter 8.


What is the last book of the Bible?

What is Revelation.


After Jesus was arrested, which disciple denied him three times?

Who is Peter?


The Catholic Bible is different from Protestant Bibles because we include the Apocryphal books.  Therefore we have _______ more books than the Protestants.

3, 20, 7, 12

What is 7


Who received the 10 commandments from God in the book of Exodus?

Who is Moses


Who baptized Jesus?

Who is John the Baptist


Which disciple betrayed Jesus?

Who is Judas?


What is the total number of books in the bible?

What is 73. 

46 in OT, 27 in NT


The original language of the Old Testament of the Bible was ____________.

What is Hebrew


In the New Testament there are four books Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  What do we call these books? and why are they different from all of the other books in the New Testament?

What are the Gospels; because the tell the story of Jesus' life and his teachings.

When Jesus resurrected, how long did he stay with his disciples? 

What is 40 days. 

And in those forty days, hundreds of people witnessed seeing him


Who is the author of the Bible?

Who is God. 

 God is indeed the principal author of Sacred Scripture. God made use of specific people that wrote in a human language, and did so at a particular time and place in history.


The Bible is not one book that was all written at the same time, rather it is a collection of books that was written over ____________ years.

What is 1000


When Jesus returned to Heaven, what did he leave with the disciples? (and all of us)

What is the Holy Spirit

 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be[a] in you.


What happened to all of the disciples as they spread  Christianity?

What is They were all martyred.

 Peter and Andrew were nailed to the cross. James was beheaded, and John, who would later escape and die a natural death, was thrown into boiling oil.

Simon was nailed while Jude was hacked to death, James (Junior) was pushed down from temple summit. Philip was nailed upside down while Bartholomew was skinned alive.

Matthew was also martyred while Thomas was stabbed till he gave up. Judas Iscariot killed himself after betraying Jesus.
