Who caused Jesus's death
Who was the youngest king
I killed the Messiah
How many dramas were about kings
"We will seize this opportunity to declare Jehovah's name"
Now is the time
How was False Religion brought about?
Satan Challenging Jehovah
Who were the only named faithful queens
Abigail Esther Bathsheba
I was a spy for Isreal and became second to the new leader of Isreal
Who killed their brother
Thomas Roman (these words must be on your heart)
"Take your time and make things last"
Don't run so fast
Who caused the nations to divide
Who were the faithful kings during Elijah's time
Hezekiah Jehoshaphat
I led Isreal after Joshua died
How many Dramas about Prophets
2 (Daniel Jonah)
"It can make us lose sight and misplace our faith
Important things
When did the Preaching work begin
29 CE
How many Tribes were divided from the original kingdom or Jerusalem
I was the first person to see Jesus resurrected
Who was killed in respect Jehovah's Authority and how
Korah and his followers swallowed up by the earth
"And you're my friend cause your always there through our ups and downs"
You can count on me
When did Babylon the great begin
in the beginning in the Garden of Eden
Where did Jesus die
On a stake in Golgotha
I am the youngest prophet
What was the first modern day drama
How can I make real friends
Don't give up don't give in
Stop think and pray