“Every boy that is born to the Hebrews you shall throw into the Nile!"
Hint: Exodus 1:22
Who is Pharaoh?
"God helps those who help themselves."
What is NOT in the Bible?
"Holy, Holy, Holy! _______ Almighty!"
What is "Lord God?"
Thanks to Paul's courage and skills as a sea captain, this happened!
Hint: Acts 27:41
What is the ship crashed?
This is the number of times that talking animals show up in the Bible.
What are two? (Genesis 3, Numbers 22)
“Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself?"
Hint: Luke 10:40
Who is Martha?
"You shall eat the flesh of your sons, and you shall eat the flesh of your daughters."
What is IN the Bible?
Leviticus 26:29
"Immortal, Invisible, ____________"
What is "God Only Wise?"
After Paul helped exorcise a demon from a young woman named Lydia, the folks were so grateful to Paul and his friend, Silas, they did what?
Hint: Acts 16:23
What is gave him a severe flogging and threw them in prison?
True or false: There are sea monsters in the Bible.
What is TRUE?
Psalm 74:14
Isaiah 27:1
Job 3:8
(and more...)
“Child, why have you treated us like this? Look, your father and I have been searching for you in great anxiety.”
Hint: Luke 2:48
Who is Mary (the mother of Jesus)?
"Today’s trouble is enough for today."
What is IN the Bible?
Matthew 6:34
"When peace like a river attendeth my way, when ___________"
What is "sorrows like sea billows roll?"
When Paul visited Jesus' hometown, they loved his sermon so much they did what?
Hint: Acts 21:30
What is physically drag him out of the temple and lock the doors?
This is the specific translation of the Bible you will find in the pews at FPC Kalamazoo and at FPC Richland.
What is the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)?
“This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh."
Who is Adam?
Genesis 2:23
"Spare the rod, spoil the child."
What is NOT in the Bible?
"Though I am small, my God my all, you ___________"
Hint: Hymn #100
What is "work great things in me?"
According to Paul, everybody loved his preaching so much, he was shown appreciation in this special way three times.
Hint: 2 Corinthians 11:25
What is they beat him with rods?
The part of our worship service in which we all pray together for forgiveness for the ways in which the world is not always as it should be.
What is the Prayer of Confession?
“If your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off."
Who is Jesus?
Matthew 18:8
"The lion shall lie down with the lamb."
What is NOT in the Bible.
It is actually, "The wolf shall live with the lamb." (Isaiah 11:6)
"I, the Lord of ________, I will tend the poor and lame."
What is "wind and flame?"
When Paul was minding his own business building a fire, this animal showed him affection by doing this.
Hint: Acts 28:3
What is a snake bit him?
The time of the church year that comes between Ash Wednesday and Easter.
What is Lent?